Again a lucky day with x5 gains in raids in Hashkings, little progress in dCITY and still waiting for some reaction on the hive price.

Again the hive is holding at values ​​close to $0.59, but will it last for another day?

Finally leaving the house to replenish the coffee stock and I believe the hive won't make any aggressive moves again for now but for sure convert most of it to USDT so I can finally get a good night's sleep.

Now I will show my progress/earnings in Hashkings and dCITY.


In Hashkings I was lucky enough to get a boss x5 again so my winnings were similar to yesterday's and this is incredibly positive for my balance because joining the gains from BUDS, EXP Token, HGENTWO Token and FT Token would be the equivalent of more $2 if I were to sell.

Hopefully I'll be lucky enough to catch BOSSES x5 more often, but I haven't been lucky enough to catch an x10 yet, who knows soon?

I'll leave the calculations for you to calculate the raid power of the avatar below, along with my current avatar that makes me have the gains I post daily.

Its power for Raids is and to calculate this value just use the formula: (Exp*Power Base) / 100.

In total there are 5 raids currently in Hashkings that are level 0~25, 26~50, 51~75, 76~100 and 100~??.

The current raid for my avatar is 26~50 but you already know that and below I will leave my earnings for today:


EXP Token:


FT Token:


In dCITY I barely made any progress today so basically just getting my small gains daily.

But I must thank @chetanpadliya for giving me some tips in the comments of one of my posts and also I was curious to look at his posts and I found several posts about dCITY that will be very useful to me to increase my city and my earnings, but I still have a lot to learn and I'll have to build my strategy before investing more in the game.

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