The Darklands.

@methus is casting a lightning bolt it hits Moldred...from the flank @happyme and next to him Diamond is on the way. @happyme gets a good hit inn a second lightning bolt hits next to Moldred. Diamond is common she swinging her battle ax. its cutting him in two parts...The smoke evaporate, on the ground next to them just a cape and some bones..and a green rock is shining up the only think left from moldered is the Amulet of the dead. its few undead left
@hhayweaver, David, @cyber.explorer and Maxwell attacking them @stever82 is joining as well. Frank is taking care of one undead next to him but they notes the undead are die on they own. it sems when moldred got killet they rest of them lots ther power and went back to been dead.


Moldred fortress is silent @enjoycompany ,@ecoinstant, Paige , @mastergerund and @enosh has started removing all the dead to bee sure they are burning all the bodys. gunnar take the Amulet of the dead and crushes it. this time he will destroyed it so moldred can not return.gob and gunnar is taking parts of the amulet back whit then to hide them away form each other. they burning Moldred whitout the rest of the undeads and burying ashes. they colonists are searching through the fortress see if they find something off value but its just broken and empty. but they are just to give up. they find a chest. in side its a roll of paper. it saying: 100% up votes for all current players in the darkland (up to a need to power then in will go down).

The colonists are going back to there colonies. the goblins are going home. finaly thes plase feel like home after Moldred was killed. the sun feels brighter. birds are singing. around @creativetruth colonye Big jake finding a few dead animales and human's they burning them. and messengers is coming by Moldred is dead the undeads are defeated. he has a part 100% up votes to give him the messengers is spredding the news to rest of the colonists @ligayagardener , @stuffbyspencer


The snake clan has heard of the defeat of the moldred the lich king. the have agreed to a peace treaty. they has been attacked by the undead to, and have forgiven one colonists of killing the son of the chief and stolen his axe "fang" from now they will open trade to this part of the land. the sun is setting in the darkland. its finaly silent.


I want to thank you all to have been playing my game. its been super interesting time for me 37 colony posts a can believe it me with my dyslexia how a made it work. but a few weeks a go. it was being more clear to me a had to let it go, am going back to school soon and am currently working a 100% job and life its self, just no time to do it anymore. but a wanted to end it by defeating moldred.
as a bonus am going to max the up vote to all of you. until I need it but a think you will always get a up vote from this account. am proud of have gifted 88 SBI units in total to the players.

Thanks for your Delegation but you can Remove them now if you like and put it to good use
your workers what to stay for free in your colonies :)


The future of the account

The up vote minder. am going to start a very small service/ game called the up vote miner

it will bee focus on a minimal of effort 1-5 min to get and up vote on your comments. and a way to "level up" your account to get a bigger up vote on your posts.

You will be working in a mine and its going to be a map where you can choose where you want to go
and mine a resource of and up vote on the comment. or get XP to level up. your account. maby its and option to get gold as before to buy SBI units, but this is not been decide just yet.

Delegations a option to delegate to increasing the voting power the plan here is the ask for quite large amount of Sp and pay out the earning of the posts and large up votes to the backers of the game.

and post will soon come on the up vote miner.


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