Quest: Moldred the Lich king (part one)

Gunnar and gob is checking up on the preparations. the outpost has delivered wood to construct a palisade. a few support buildings has been built up. the big rock goblinds has delivered two ballistics to the gate. if the undeads are coming the two of them will cut them down. shipments of ale and potions has come. colonists starting to arrive. gob hands @stever82,@mastergerund,Timothy,@methus,Frank, @ligayagardener,"@cyber.explorer" ,Maxwell , Rick,@ecoinstant,Paige, @enjoycompany,@enosh,@Happyme Gob is grabing one more ale and handing it over but in front of him is two massive legs its Diamond, he grabbing his staff. but ses @Happyme next the the oger..she is whit you??..Ok then handing over a ale.Diamond takes it she is locking at the barrel, Gob..take a step back... Diamond take it as a yes and take the barrel..gob had a few ale left over so the rest of the colonists get one to. gob continues handing out ale to @hhayweaver And David


a few undeads are wandering in but the goblins and the outpost soldiers. killing them before they coming up to the wall. its a large open ground in front of the fort and clear dirt road going to the north west. and more step small path going to the north east. Gob and the golbings are going to on the small path. gunnar is going on the main road. this path hes been scouted before so we have a ide whats lay in front of us.

inside the fort is some supplies if trubbel we can fall back here.

supply depot (unlimited numbers of gear and you can take as many you want):

  • greater healing potion

  • armor potion

  • berserker potion

  • rock potion

  • +16 improved iron chest plate

  • +5 battel ax (two hand) (Barbarian) 5 dam

  • +2 (Barbarian) helmet +1 to hit

  • +4 Ranger helmet +1 range hit

  • +5 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam

  • +7 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam

  • Cleric spell book unlocking (summon wolf , heal D20 touch) (need a cleric staff)

  • +10 (Tank) boots,+10 (Tank) leggings

  • +3 blunderbuss (tank)(short range)(special item slot) 7 dam

  • Cape of knowledge(wizard) (special item slot) +2 spell damage

  • bone amulet (Barbarian) (special item slot) 2 damage

  • +12 Large improved iron shield

  • Rings and Amulets

  • Trebuchet Ammo: 10x Stones 10x Fire bombs

you can replace equipment if you want

follow the goblins to the north east?
or gunnar and the outpost to the north west?

Overview over all Colones and Quest Rules.


@stever82(boar fangs amulet)(bear cub)(moose sausage)(ale) 9
weponds(+6 iron spike club/gem 8 dam)(+4 cross bow 8 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
Spells: Rage (increase hit chance by 5 and damage by 2. one action. damage the armor by 5
D20 touch en be put on your self or and ally)

potions 2 of 4:1 greather healing, 1 health potion

Abilities (barbarian armor set): dual strike one per turn -3 to hit. +2 Charge attack range 5 squares)(Rage spell) +1 potions. (dam from the cub and sausage has been added to the weponds)


@mastergerund(Ring,ale) 8
weponds(+8 Scimitar (Rogue) 4 dam)(+4 bow 2 dam)
4 hit points (15 of 15 Rogue Armor set)
potions 1 of 4: 1 health potion

Abilities (Rogue armor set)+2 movement speed 1-4 on hide (+10 on hide) +1 potions)


Timothy (ale) 5
weponds(+4 iron sword 2 dam)
4 hit points (5 of 5 Armor)
potions 0 of 3:
Player tim.png

@methus(ring,amulet,ale) 9
Weapon(+7 dark staff gem 4 melee damage two hand)
4 hit points (14 of 14 wizard armor set)
Spells: Lightning Bolt, Dark Heal, Fireball, Dark Missile

potions 3 of 4:2 healing potions, 1 greater healing potion

Abilities (wizard armor set)(+1 spells hit +1 spells on quest) has been added)


Frank(Ring,rock amulet,ale) 8
Weapon: (+5 sword 4 dam)(tower shield (tank)
4 hit points (52 of 52 armor
Spell: (Rock shield) can only be cast on your self give you and +20 armor for two turns take one action to cast using d20 to hit.

potions 0 of 3:

@ligayagardener(ring,amulet,ale) 9
Weapon:(+4 bow 2 dam)(+5 Sword 2 dam)
4 hit points (12 of 12 Armor)
potions 1 of 3: 1 greater healing potion

@cyber.explorer "fyres forest"

"Chief of Security" Maxwell (amulet,blaze.ale) 8
Weapon:(+6 one-handed iron hammer w/gem 7 dam)
4 hit points (42 of 42 Armor)
potions 2 of 3: 1 Healing potion, 1 Armor potion

hit/dam added to the weapon


Ranger Rick (Wolf tooth amulet,Eye of Accuracy,ale)9
Weapon: (+11 hunter bow/master 5 dam)(Ranger)(+5 Iron sword 3 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 ranger armor set)
potions 2 of 4: 1 Healing potion, 1 greater healing

Abilities (ranger armor set) +1 potions)(one per turn dual strike two arrows -3 to hit)
(+1 single,Eye of Accuracy its been added to the weapon)

@ecoinstant (amulet,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons(+3 crossbow, 7 dam)(+5 iron sword, 6 dam)
4 hit points (11 of 11 armor)
potions 3 of 3: 1 healing potions 1 armor potion,1 greater healing

dam added to the weponds


Paige (ale,Eye of Accuracy,Ring,Moose sausage) 10
weapons(+8 Paige's hunter bow/master 6 dam)
4 hit points (16 of 16 armor)
potions 3 of 3: 1 healing potions, 1 rock potion,1 greater healing

dam added to the weponds


Trebuchet (stone 25 dam to one square)(fire shoot 15 dam and 7 to one square around)
10 hit points (need a player to fire. one shoot take 2 actions only one shot per turn.
movement (need a player 3 square per action)
Ammo 3 of 5: 3x stones
select ammo type. aim at a location need a friendly to be in line of sight of the location. roll D6 1-2 its in the spot where it aimed it. 3 one square west. 4 two square to east and 5 3 square north and 6 2 Square west.

@enjoycompany (boar fangs amulet,bone amulet,ale) 9
weapons(+5 long sword w/gem 5dam)(+4 bow/gem 6 dam)
4 hit points (7 of 7 armor)
potions 0 of 3:

@enosh(ring.ale) 8
weapons(+4 sword 2 dam)(+4 bow 2 dam)
4 hit points (5 of 5 armor)
potions 0 of 3:

@Happyme(Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons (+7 bow 7 dam)(+5 iron sword 6 dam)
4 hit points (22 of 22 Armor)
potions 2 of 3: 1 Greater Healing potion,1 Armor potion

hit/damage added to the bow


Diamond(amulet.bone amulet,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons(+6 Battle Axe 2-handed (ogre)(10 damage)
20 hit points (30 of 30 Armor)
potions 2 of 31 Greater Healing potion,1 Armor potion

hit/damage added to the axe


@hhayweaver (bear amulet,ale) 9
weapons(+8 Bow 4 Dam)(+5 Sword 3 Dam)
4 hit points (17 of 17 Armor)
potions 2 of 31 Armor Potion,1 Health Potions

hit added to the bow


David (ale) 7
weapons(+5 Cleric Staff 4 Dam)(+4 Bow 4 Dam)
4 hit points (13 of 13 armor)
potions 2 of 3 1 Greater Health Potion, 1 Rock Potion.

Spells: heal (D6 armor and hp and armor, line of sight)


the outpost

soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(iron shield)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)


Gunnar (Ring of healing,Amulet,ale) 8
weapons (+7 master long sword 6 dam (Cleric)(Holy shield)
4 hit points (35 of 35 Cleric armor set)
potions 8 of 8 4 Greater Health Potion, 2 berserker potion , 2 Rock potion
Spells: touch heal ,heal, blind,magic missile

ability +2 spells +1 hit +3 potions)


the goblinds

Goblinds (ale,ring,amulet,Moose sausage) 9
weapons(+4 iron hammer 7 dam)(+4 bow 4 dam)
4 hit points (15 of 15 armor)


Gob (Ring of healing,Amulet,ale) 8
weapons (+7 master long sword 6 dam (Cleric)(Holy shield)
4 hit points (35 of 35 Cleric armor set)
potions 8 of 8 2 Greater Health Potion, 2 berserker potion , 2 Rock potion,2 Health Potion
Spells: touch heal ,heal, summon wolf,summon bear

ability +2 spells +1 hit +3 potions)


ballista (+12 iron bolt 10 dam)
20 of 20 hit points
two shots per turn


undead 5
weapons (+3 hands 2 dam)
4 hit points
-2 movement speed



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