A Dash of Sult N Papper 07/10/20> Naked Face Day… and not a peep.


As most of...

As most of you know I’m no spring chicken and my days of looking for a fight are well behind me. That doesn’t mean that I won’t stand up for what I believe is right though. So the county judge and the governor are nonexistent to me and so are their restrictive orders they are pushing during this COVID scamdemic.

“Scamdemic” is a word, right? I’ve seen it written in places but for some reason my spell check software doesn’t seem to recognize it. Maybe if I put a hyphen in it; scam-demic . Nope, still telling me it is spelled wrong.

Not only is it telling me it isn’t spelled correctly but in “suggested spellings” it gives me the word “academic”. I bet I could use that word right now in a sentence that would be appropriate. This situation of the scamdemic is pretty academic in my eyes; destroy anything and everything necessary to defeat tRump in the November election. Yep, I think I was able to use their suggestion and incorporate quite well if I don’t say so myself.

I had to venture...

I had to venture out on Thursday to do a few things and I did them all with a naked face.

Not totally naked mind you, I still am sporting a beard and stash. I did not have the unconstitutionally ordered face mask though, I’m refusing to play along in their silly game.

My first stop...

My first stop was the local tire store and I needed a leaking valve stem replaced on my F-150. The guys at the tire stop didn’t give me any flack and neither did any of the customers. Rather than sit inside while I waited though I sat outside under the EZ up where they had chairs set up for customers, about six feet apart, just to be safe I’m sure.

I wasn’t alone without my mask; there were two other men and one woman who were naked faced as well. Naturally, there was conversation about the “orders” and those folks learned a new word today; guzbuck.

As in, “guzbuck their orders, until they name me in those orders, they don’t apply to me.” I told them. Total agreement from my new acquaintances and even the woman said she planned on using the newly learned word in her vocabulary.

Even the employees of the tire store weren’t all in compliance with the orders and that was encouraging to see. The guys in the shop were about 50/50 on masks and even those that had them didn’t have them over their noses and mouths like they are supposed to. I can’t blame them either, it was right at 98 with a heat index of 104 and that is brutal with our humidity.

Next stop was...

Next stop was the gas station and not a word from the clerk except to ask me how I’ve been. He said that he’s been missing my gas business since I’ve been working from home. From there the next stop was the local auto parts store to pick up a turn signal bulb for Daisy’s SUV. She informed me that the left turn rear turn signal quit working on their way back from Oklahoma.

The employees of the auto parts store were all masked up but they didn’t give me any problem about being mask less. There were only two other customers in the store and both had masks, neither said a word to me but the one gave me a couple nasty looks. She was pretty nasty looking in her own right as far as I was concerned so I guess we were even.

When I was...

When I was exiting the store I encountered a younger man than me, maybe in his 40’s, he saw I didn’t have the mask on and he asked if they “gave me any shit” for not having one on.

“Nope, not a word”, I told him. He promptly returned to his car and threw his mask on the dash board. He was parked a couple spaces down from me and had to walk back past the front of my truck to get to the door. “Have a great day, sir.”, he told me with his naked face smiling.

People here aren't...

People here aren’t stupid. They know the numbers of cases are rising but they also know that the numbers of deaths are not and many people never even have symptoms even though they’ve tested positive for the virus.

Plus that video I posted the link to the other day has pretty much exposed just how easy this can be dealt with. My sister looked up the medicine and was even able to order some over the internet as a nasal spray with the same active ingredient. She said it may not be the same strength as the prescription medicine but if needed it would probably work until she could get to doctor to get some prescribed.

Like I said, I don’t go around looking for a fight but I have to admit I was I little disappointed that not even one Karen screamed at me or threatened to call the law on me.

That was one side of me; the other side of me was encouraged to see that other people are wising up to the situation and are going naked faced too.

Coupled with the fact that even those who were masked, and may not have agreed with my decision to not be, kept their mouths shut like they should was a very pleasant surprise.

All in all, a great day in my part of Texas despite that the idiots are still running the show here.

Until next time,

Photo credits: Sult N Papper

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