Pecky Greenleg: Chapter 11 #dailychicken

Previous Chapter

Jake was shocked.

"Kids? But,!?"


"Well, what did they say? Why were they getting rid of all the chicks like Pecky? How could you let them get away after what they'd done!?"

"Like I said," said Gilbert, shrugging. "We had no choice."

And they didn't get rid of the others. They took them.

"Took them where?" asked Jake.

Somewhere safe.

Jake let out a loud huff and sat down.


"The kids said they were asked to come to the hatchery and get all of the gray chicks with green legs, but when they got here...Pecky was missing," said Gilbert.

"So why didn't they buy the rest? Why steal them and make it look like an accident?"


They were afraid that if they bought them, whoever took me would track them down. They didn't know that Gilbert picked me as the free 'rare' breed for your order.

"I don't understand. The note that came with the birds said they were special and to be protected. Why didn't you protect them?"

"Well, we didn't really believe the note. We thought it was a joke until the chicks started to disappear," Gilbert snapped, lifting his chin.

Jake stood and started pacing the room. Worry and annoyance rolled off of him in waves, filling the room. He scratched his head then stopped and crossed his arms.

"But, the accidents. I thought they were fatal."

The chicks disappeared so everyone here just thought they were fatal.

Jake sighed and turned to Gilbert.

"That still doesn't explain why the kids were here."

"They said they needed to get Pecky back to where he belongs," said Gilbert.

"And where is that?" asked Jake.

Gilbert cleared his throat and Pecky shuffled his feet.

A place where the rest of my breed are kept.

"Yes, but where, Pecky? Where is this place? And why are they hatching talking chickens? And why do you all have green legs?"

"We said before that Pecky isn't a normal chicken.”

I didn't hatch, I was created in a laboratory along with the rest of my breed. The kids wanted to take me and the others somewhere safe. Away from the lab where I was created.

Jake fell to the chair and closed his eyes, not believing a word of it. The kids must be lying, saying anything they could to get a hold of Pecky. Why did Gilbert and Pecky believe them?

Gilbert sat and folded his hands under his chin.

"They are telling the truth. They offered proof."

Undeniable proof.

Jake simply stared, waiting for him to continue, but it was Pecky who provided the answer to his unspoken question.

They showed us pictures of an...experiment that had, er, gone wrong.

Gilbert sighed. “An illegal experiment. One that could get a lot of people into big trouble.”

“An experiment? Like, a science experiment on chickens?”

Pecky squawked and shook his feathery head.

“Yes,” said Gilbert. “There is a group called The Poultrygeist who are experimenting and trying to create an intelligent breed of chicken. They are calling their, experiments, Clever Cochins.”

But the problem is that they’ve done their experiment too well. They wanted smarter poultry, and now they’ve created more human-like chickens with deep thoughts and feelings.

“But this is insane!” Jake shouted. “It-it’s impossible.”

It’s true.

Jake dropped into the chair once again, putting his head in his hands. “What are we going to do? How can we stop them?”

We have a plan.

“ sort of,” said Gilbert.

Chapter 12

Previous Chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Coming soon!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

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