Serving suggestion :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (185/366)


This is a kind of a product shoot, but not really. It's more like myself documenting the silliness in the products' labels called "Serving suggestion".

"Serving suggestion":

I love how they managed to spell the Finnish word "tarjoiluehdotus" so wrong.

Am I supposed to turn the ketchup back into tomatoes somehow? Or is the suggestion supposed to mean that I should throw the ketchup away and eat tomatoes instead? It'd be sort of logical though.

This is a pack of Finnish "Lihapiirakka", or a "meat pie", which is more like a salty donut with a meat filling.

From Wikipedia:

"A lihapiirakka (literally "meat pie") is an everyday Finnish food sold in supermarkets and often available ready-to-eat as street food. It is a form of savoury pie or turnover made from doughnut dough and filled with a mixture of minced meat and cooked rice and cooked by deep frying. It does not resemble a traditional English or American meat pie or turnover due to the use of doughnut mix and the fact that it is deep fried. They are usually bought ready cooked and are simply reheated in a microwave oven."

The serving suggestion seems to suggest, that I should place the pie on the table with some parsley and a few peppers. Very appetizing.

Ice cream is best served as balls, on a table.

Okay, this one was a bit different than usual.

Do they have silly serving suggestions in the products in your country?

I'd really love to know if there is a directive or a law that requires products to have silly suggestions printed on the labels. It is starting to feel like there is.

See ya!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #26
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #25
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #24
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #23
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #22

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