Day 1 of a training block

For a variety of reasons I have the week off to get some work done and I'm training a lot, my goal is 3 hours per day. The plan is 4 days doing 3 hour rides and then the other 3 days, ride 90 minutes and lift 90 minutes. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it, this is a massive increase over my usual training load, but sometimes you just gotta give it a go.

Here's today's ride, it was basically perfect, kept my pulse and power right in line with what I wanted (zone 2, 129 - 149 BPM, power around 170 Watts).


Another way to slice it is by zone,


Almost zero traffic out on on a sunny Christmas day, most of my rides recently have been shorter and harder so it was nice to settle into a comfortable endurance pace and just stick it there for a few hours.

Here's a pretty good picture of my body's response after the ride, very high stress starting around 11:20 when the ride ended and the stress coming down as I slowly recover. The stress numbers come from my Vital Scout app ( The green bars on the left are the end of the workout.



One thing I'm doing for these rides is fasting and doing the first 2 hours on no calories. Hour 1 I take in water with electrolytes (Hammer Endurolytes), hour 2, BCAA's, hour 3 some espresso Hammer Gel and half a Lara Bar. I've gotten very interested in blood glucose, here's my data on that:


The 99 was before the ride, after a cup of coffee (no breakfast), the 117 after I got home. Turns out your body can make glucose, and one of the aminos in my BCAA mix (leucine I think) jacks up glucose, so that plus the calories I had drove it up. Here's what it looks like at the end of a 24 hour fast:


It's amazing how good I feel when I'm fasting, I've gotten more disciplined about doing a 24 hour fast once per week.

Will share some sleep data tomorrow from several devices, including my brand new Beddr.

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