Is Re-posting One's Own Original Content on Steemit Okay?

Asking for a friend...

No just kidding. I'm asking for me, but most of the posts I could find on this topic (by googling) are very old. So I post partly in hopes of knowledgeable feedback from today's active Steemians, and also so that there will be a more current answer to this question online for those who might ask in the future :)

Over two years ago I was actively blogging on Steemit (Guy's Work Blog - my adventures waiting tables), and some of them were earning around $20usd at the time, which I though was pretty good. I didn't cash in either, only Powered Up.

However the time spent versus the rewards weren't enough at the time, and - ironically perhaps - I started picking up more shifts at the restaurant to earn real USD!

So here's the thing... two recent but kind of controversial changes to the Steemiverse have helped contribute to me becoming more active here lately, "returning to Steemit" one might say (and I have three accounts actually, all of which I've been active on again recently)...

The first : Parley! The feature that allows users to share articles (mostly news is popular right now) from other places online - to encourage discussion - and also receive upvotes from other Steemians for sharing the content. Of course the content shared is not original (which might rub some Steemians the wrong way), but the concept of promoting discussion on breaking news stories (and earning Steem) has the potential bringing Redditors here, and of competing directly with Reddit.

I've been using it recently to good results. I hope Steemit overall accepts this beneficial addition to the realm.

The second : BID-BOTS! Steemians seem to love 'em or hate 'em.... I've been testing these as well lately, and happy with the results.

But the discussion over these critters is raging
(just as examples) AND there are also downvote bots coming into play against those who use them. As well as @flagfixer -and maybe others- to counter those.

My o my, Steemit is changing and things are heating up on some fronts. But anyways as said, I've been using them both, and spending A WHOLE LOT OF TIME on Steemit lately as result of these "innovations". So, in the sense that Steemit is an "attention-based economy" these are beneficial additions which are keeping me here (largely because I'm making money, yes) and also inspiring me to start adding more original content because I can see it paying off again.

Hence the original question btw - Re-Posting old content.

My waiter blog (that I originally published elsewhere on a free Google blog site, but never got flagged for adding here) has over 50 chapters to it, plus chapters that I've drafted and never published.

So here's the thing (I know, I said that already. Fine, here's the other thing)...

I feel that I should re-publish the posts that I published here over two years ago, to basically begin the story fresh. I'd like to start again with Chapter 1 re-posting the first 17 posts I put here two years ago, then add the 30+ that I never posted here ... And THEN maybe even write some newer, original, posts that I have drafted but have never actually written out yet.

One more thing.... I've somehow picked up around 1000 new followers recently (from the Parley Bitcoin articles in part) and I'm certain that many of my old followers from two years ago aren't as active on here anyways. Starting the story fresh seems like the best approach for my current followers, opposed to just posting links to old posts. Those original ones did get some good discussion going here, back in the day, and would probably do so again.

Oh - last thing - I'll totally be using bid-bots this time.

Will Steemit be okay with that? I want to become more active, earn here, and get back to creating original content, but I don't want to get flagged or hated on for re-posting my own work to new audiences. I'll even post a disclaimer that it is a re-post - should that be in title perhaps, or just at the bottom?

Those in the know, please post your answers and/or links to the original question about re-posting, to the best of your knowledge, for me and for the sake of people who find this link in the future.

If you do reply, please forgive me if can't reply to you until much later tonight ... I actually have to leave for work soon(wait staff trainer by night, Bitcoin by day now, and "once again aspiring Steemit blogger" at all hours in-between) ...

And hopefully we can look forward to


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