CNC Machined Circular Artwork Hand Painted

My most recent artwork installation was once again started on our CNC machine. I wanted to create a circular piece similar to work I had done previously that my client had seen and loved. Sometimes its hard when clients ask me - "can you make that for me?" Obviously I can't replicate artwork that I have promised a previous client is unique and I can let down this new client by saying no. Here is the piece that my client asked my to base their piece on...


It was a circular motif that filled the wall behind the bed in a hotel suite. Like the new piece it was cut initially on large pieces of ply and then glued together before I painted it by hand. Here I am in our factory floor on a Sunday (when the workers are home and there is peace and quiet)....


The CNC machine has different size blades that we can programme for different sections, so the piece was made up of different thickness incisions which meant I could use painting techniques to highlight different sections of the design. I think this picture shows quite clearly what I mean....


Some sections I used a fine paint brush and other parts a sponge or rag.....



People often ask me about these kind of symmetrical artworks I create - "what culture is that or "what style is that?. Unfortunately I don't have an answer for them - it's just from my head and if it bears any resemblance to some particular form or style its honestly a coincidence. I really like the way this piece turned out but this is I think the fourth circular piece I have done so I hope I can move away from that for the next few projects.

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Here it is finished and installed at the owner's residence. I think it looks pretty nice and the owners were very happy with the result. What do you think readers?

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