Stories In The Hometown -Tradition Makes Timphan in Aceh

Stories in the hometown.
From a distance I saw something that caught my attention, A group of women gathered in a bamboo hall, curiously I tried to get closer.

Apparently, this housewife group makes a typical cake Aceh, its name is Timphan. It's very interesting, also unique, they sat on the edge of the village road.

For Acehnese, timpan is a traditional cake, often served on special occasions, celebrations, even for gifts for special people.

I asked this mother, for what event this timphan is made, she told me, "that this timphan will be sent to his offspring abroad".
Waw, a very good mother, she often does this when he feels homesick for his son.

Here I also tried to photograph the process of making timphan, with flour filled with srikaya, then wrapped in banana leaves.

You also come to Aceh, you can feel delicious Timpan this, as one of the traditional cakes that are still developing today.

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