Technology-A Necessary Evil

Hello all Hive Friends.

Hope you all are doing good.

Technology has changed our lifestyle. At almost every step of our daily life, we have technology helping us. Imagine the time when some of the tasks would have taken decades and how much time are those tasks taking today.

One of the biggest invention was semiconductors. They have completely revolutionised the electronics world. We can’t even imagine how powerful a small microchip can be. This growth is exponential, look back and try to remember the size of a floppy disk, which would hold only 256 MB of data and today a chip smaller than our finger nail can store gigabytes of data.



Technology has been a blessing but it’s also have its side effects. And one of the fatal side effects is radiation. Today we have so many electronic devices around us that even if we are not using them, we are still exposed to the radiation. One just can not escape it. Radiation is the reason to a lot of life threatening conditions. We can avoid it but we can do our best to minimise the effect by using these devices as less as possible.

Many thanks for reading and upvoting my post.This is also my entry 25 of 30 day content challenge. Hopefully I will be able to post everyday.


Here is the link for more details about this contest.


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