Still Copying other people? Wow. Just Stop. You need Help. Here's #myHiveGoals

Heya all!

It's the last day of June, and here's how I'm doing with #MyHiveGoals. 😀

Don't copy other people on the block-chain

First. I do want to bring up a topic that Eliana Gomes (@elianaicgomes) brought up as well in her latest Rant: Don't copy other people on the blockchain. You can find her article here: @elianaicgomes/azkyjpps

I wrote a blog post about this ( and even added it to my email auto-responder. I copied it onto the Hive block-chain and tagged it with CTP to make sure it was seen.

If Eliana is talking about the same things, then that means that apparently people within our circle are still not writing original content, but are copying others which is a shame.

Please write your own stuff. I'll just start down-voting people who blatantly copy others. It's not professional or polite to do so. I hardly ever down-vote, but I will start doing so if we have plagiarists in our midst.

Here's #myhivegoals and how I've been doing:


Previous: 508
Today: 512.8
+4.8 Hive
GOAL: 2500
Percentage: 20.4%

Each day I gain in Hive, simply because a week prior I wrote something on the block-chain. I try to write and publish every day and it works. :) A gain of 4 hive may not be much, but it does bring me closer to my goal. 2500 is my short-term goal, and I want to eventually make it to 5,000.


Previous: 11431
Today: 11524
+93 CTP tokens
GOAL: 25,000
Percentage: 46%

Just like working with Hive, I enjoy seeing my CTP tokens climb. It's all adding up, and will soon be a nice chunk. I especially like that the amount given for my voting will increase. :)

Dad Jokes

Previous: 84
Today: 85
+1 joke
GOAL: 250
Percentage: 34%

If I do nothing else right, recording these videos with my son is a good thing. It helps our relationship, and helps in creating the content I need for my dad joke site to be successful as well. Blog

Previous: 22
Today: 22
+0 blog post
GOAL: 25
Percentage: 88%

The effort I put into my blog is also part of my #donotbreakthechain where I try to work on my auto-responder every single day. This is really helpful for me, since I need to create a number of blog articles to make this shine.

That's it for today. I hope that me documenting my journey is helping you to realize that this is something that can be done every day by anyone, even me. :)

Join me in my #MyHiveGoals Journey!
Want to post your own goals and join me in the challenge? Great! Here's my original post with the rules:


Be sure to tag your post with #MyHiveGoals and post it on the block-chain.

Peace and Love,


P.S. In case you haven't heard Jon O and Blain launched a terrific new site:

It's all about doing small steps so that you end today just slightly better than yesterday. I am a big fan. :) I signed up almost immediately because I am quite familiar with the quality associated with these two. I was not disappointed. Their daily videos and ebook are a big win.

Check it out yourself:

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