Getting Really Excited about Gym Rewards and Earning Cryptocurrency through proof of exercise.

You may have noticed I've caught the crypto bug, but I'm also taking my exercise and fitness goals to the next level after reaching one of my running goals just a few days ago.

So why not blend them together, with a crytpocurrency you earn with Proof of Exercise

I went out searching for a project exactly like this last week and found a few options. With the steemit fitness challenge coming to and end and my previous fitness reward app called PACT I used to use now shut down I was looking for something else to give me that extra push.

GYM is the one that struck out to me as my early favorite, I like that they have a clear timeline for launch of there App on May 15th. I feel that there total volume of tokens are very clear and they are conservative at the ICO sale and with holding the vast majority of tokens as rewards. They also have a free airdrop of 100 Tokens going on at this time.

I'm really excited about all these novel ideas for the use of crytocurrencies and blockchain technology, and really excited for the future. Just the other day I went on and on about MannaBase and there UBI.

Who know's maybe next year, I can live comfortable earning cryptos blogging on steemit, using presearch as my searchbroswer, exercising everyday and who knows what comes next, earning for eating healthy or spending time with my kids or meditating. I think we're really on the cusp of some big and exciting changes.

I'm also so excited about this project, your going to see a new temporary banner at the bottom of my blogs as I give my first ever crypto bounty campaign a try.

PS, this is all just my opinion and own excitement, not financial advice, please don't quite your job yet. And lastly there are lots of referral link in this blog, just wanna be upfront.

GYM Rewards ● Decentralized Proof of Exercise Blockchain and Apps ● TOKEN (GYM)

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