OHM is Rising!


After a long week of meetings, reorganization, and a lot of focus on the development of our acts of kindness blockchain concept, we're happy to report that our value is steadily on the rise.

After hovering between 120 and 150 satoshi for almost three months, with the exception of the odd spike, OHM has been reliably trading at 200+ for more than 24 hours. Late last night (EST) and on into this morning saw trading at 350+.

It won't hold indefinitely, not at this point. That said, our rise in value is happening more frequently, and is being sustained for longer periods of time when it does. People get our message, and they understand it; a currency whose value is based on acts of kindness is slowly winning people over.

The overall trading volume on the BTC market at novaexchange, our most active market to date, is also on the rise.

Each time one of our spikes drops back down to more familiar values, we're trading a little bit higher than we were before the spike took place. This is typical of a new cryptocurrency, although the rate at which we're gaining ground is a little unusual.

Of course, sudden spikes in value can turn out to be exactly what a new form of currency needs.

For more information, give us a shout on Facebook, or on Twitter. Join in the ongoing discussion on Discord, or -- if you don't have that kind of time -- just follow our progress on bitcointalk.

We're looking forward to some serious growth, in the near future, as more people gravitate toward the idea of a currency whose value is backed by acts of kindness and sustainability.

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