Do You Suck at Trading? Try This!

“I suck at trading.”
“Yeah I should buy that coin but if I do it’ll probably go down, lol.”
“I always miss those pumps!”
“My coins are never going up :(”

^^If this is you, SNAP OUT OF IT! You need to have a talk with Tony Robbins, because mindset matters. But you can’t control the market, right? No, but you can certainly control your thoughts and reactions around the market, leading to better decisions and opportunities. If you want to dismiss such things as woo woo, consider that annoying guy or gal who is always happy and positive and seems to have everything work out for them. Like absurdly so. ‘What, oh you woke up and your coin was up 100x? how nice! That never happens to me!’

You accept that emotions can affect your trading decisions so why not your thoughts? Here’s a tip: thoughts result in your emotions. What are reactions to events but your thoughts about them and corresponding emotion? The more you say ‘As soon as I buy it, it’s going down’, guess what... the likelihood of it immediately going down increases. Call it the magic of the universe. Or the macabre sense of humor of the universe, who knows. If you don’t believe me, try saying these things for 30 days and see if anything changes:

“I make good trading decisions”.
“I discover great buying & trading opportunities at the right time”.
“Great trades just fall in my lap!”
“I always pick the coins that increase in value exponentially”.

Now, you kind of have to sort of believe those things. Try expecting the best and see what happens. Of course, you should know what you’re doing as far as technical analysis and trading knowledge. But these things are not the reason traders fail, the reason is mindset. (And lack of a plan). If your mindset sucks, great trades and opportunities will pass you by every time.

Happy trading!

Is this a WOW I just lost a lot of $ or.... WOW I just made a lot of $!!!
It's up to you.

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