Addiction to Cryptocurrencies Creates Greater Momentum Than Technological Advancement

Cryptocurrencies are ruled by a basic theme: Accumulate x number of tokens in order to increase one's net worth. There are several ways to do this. Some involve investing, mining, trading, trading or plain stealing/scamming. There is something for everyone. What might become of the future is rather irrelevant. If everyone believe in the future of their coin so much, nobody will be trading them.

This new kind of game, due to its 24h nature, creates a variety of emotion that in turn can make any average person into an addict. For those of you that have a portfolio tracking app you know exactly what I mean. Watching one's net worth increase x10 or decrease by x100 in a matter of hours is a unique experience. Perhaps only crypto has allowed so many average individuals to become millionaires and then some to lose it all in a matter of days.

While crypto creates a new kind of mentality about wealth, the emotions accompanying the whole experience are overwhelming. More importantly though, what makes it so addictive is the time frame upon which all these emotions are experienced. If you ever watched a good movie you know exactly what I mean. In 90 minutes one gets to experience an array of emotions. The thing with crypto though is that it is a flood of emotions that never ends. Much like a junkie, it leaves you wanting more and more. This has also been released by some companies like Netflix that bait you into binge watching tv series by releasing the entire thing at once. We live in an era where we absorb way more than we can handle.

It is at this point where I believe we are all discovering the nature of greed. We are all greedy. Some play it safer than others but at the end we all know what we are in a great advantage while some others might be losing. We don't care about others losing though as long as we win. This is true for any kind of game, whether it is war, cards, crypto or wall street. It is much like a zero sum game even if everyone eventually gains a little bit. The gap of victory is massive between the winners and the losers. That alone leaves most far worse than they have begun. For those arguing against a zero sum game, I will remind them that under a certain perspective, even war can be viewed positively for the losers in due time.

After 6 years watching the space, I am almost entire sure that technology comes secondary to crypto. First and foremost is the money revolution and this can be seen by the immense volume of exchange. Millenials are frustrated and disappointed from the economics of baby boomers and they are back with a revenge. They too want to live the dream even if it means butchering each other. Crypto is supposed to be the answer to the problems of the last generation but in return, we are still worshipping the same addiction of the last generation. What changed now is speed. Everything happens much faster. Hypes, resolutions, crashes, spikes all covered in emotions. We are running and we don't know why. Much like a drug fix, the body moves ahead of the psyche.

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