Do You Really Think ,That All Of This Is Okay?

If someone wishes to get vaccinated or to be injected with DNA altering drugs, that is their choice. I am not here to tell anyone what to do, Choice is the most important thing here. Because when we lose the ability to make choices for ourselves, then we have lose our power, our freedom.



I don't really care whether someone is pro vaccination or anti- vaccination, that is their business. What I do care about, is being informed and making informed decisions. We are all at different stages of our life and some of us have health issues that we need to consider, before deciding what treatment, if any, that we may take for certain illnesses.

I lived in Western Australia for 3 and a half years and towards the end of my stay, I got involved in the Aboriginal rights movement. Mostly how little disregard, the government has for their culture and their right to land. I saw and experienced first hand, how those who did try to lend their voice and stand in Solidarity were treated. The police brutality was full on.

Today I heard, how the army have been forcefully removing people from the Binjari community, outside of Katherine and placing them in Howard Springs quarantine camp in Darwin, after 9 people tested positive for covid!

I also watched a video from June Mills a Female Elder from the Larrakia Tribe, where she is condemning what has happened. She also stated how Aboriginal people are being forcibly injected as well. She is visibly very upset and anger and who can blame her. She is waiting to hear first hand from the people in Binijari, after watching Michael Gunner the Northern Territory Chief Minister came out on T.V and spoke about how people were removed to the quarantine facility.

I really wish I could find a link to the video, but I watched it on Telegram, if anyone on here wants to see it, drop me a message in the comments on here and if you are also on Telegram I can send it to you. Even better if you know a way in which I can take it from there and share it, that would be great.

I understand that the Government is saying that this is all about keeping people safe. But how is forcibly imprisioning people and injecting them over 9 cases, about keeping people safe, in a community where the average person is 27, an age group that has a 99.9% recovery rate from Covid.

I just cannot understand, how people can be okay with this. Everything that the so called Conspiracy Theorists were talking about, at the beginning of the Covid Narrative, is now coming true. Since when is it okay to remove people from their homes, when has it become okay to force vaccinate people. When did it become okay to take away people's right to choose.

How can we look away anymore when these crimes against humanity are being committed. It is public knowledge that the injections, do not protect you or prevent you spreading it. This is not about your health, it never has been.

I can not, let something like this happen and not speak out. Oh how I wish, I could share that video of June Mills speaking, where you can feel her pain and her anger, at how her people are being treated. It is heart breaking. At this stage I don't know what it will take, perhaps you will have to witness your own family being forcibly removed, or mothers separated from their children, because they have tested positive for a illness that has a 99.96% recovery rate.

I just watched an update video from June Mills, where she states that children in other communities from the age of 11 upwards, are being separated from their families and are being forcibly injected. She sees this as a war against her people and so do I.

Surely I am not the only one, who believes that removing children from their families and forcibly injecting them, is an act of torture! This is a humanitarian crisis!

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