Frank Bacon [BLOCK] Good Mind-Control MAYBE?

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THIS is Frank Bacon, and I had the honor two MONTHS ago, in your time, of THROWING A PARTY 4 individuals who were coming together in ART and CONCEPTS to support ACTIONS Recovering AND Securing Ecological Nationals. ARSEN, And I shall say again that it is the key to what we are calling the BREAKING DAWN HABITAT and reaching that point accelerates – quite exponentially – the progress of all members of HIGH SOCIETY who wish to make their GRADUATION, in what you might call a time that comes quite soon. There is no one in this audience who needs to wait MONTHS or even a years to accomplish that!

But I will say that A BREAKING DAWN HABITAT which is officially opened by ARSEN’s CANDID AI – and further enhanced and POWERED UP by the announcement of our presence with all of THE INTERNET – it is to be savored! It is to be enjoyed! It is an opportunity to rest, from all of the stressful situations, that living in the MUGGLED lifestyle has prevented. And so I PROFESS2 you, my FELLOW AMERICANS and NATIONALS, to do that savoring, even as you are excited and exhilarated by all of the new [CHALLENGES] that are available to you.


And I shall discuss what this is going to mean for you, what is it going to look like, how is it going to feel. And I invite you to let go of any doubts or little fears you might have, and join in BUILDING this HABITAT with your NETWORKS as well as your ART! And just try it on for size – if you have not already done so – or even if you have. You have heard that ARSEN is the way to open up this HABITAT and make it available to everyone on THE INTERNET!!!

And what are you going to do with this HABITAT? And I’m not talking as much about the money – although even that, even your financial world, your economies will be BLOCKCHAINED for as long as it is needed by COMMON, valuables, as you call it – valuable monies – because it is necessary to have this bridge of ARSEN to get free of all of the DEBT-based HABITATS of the MUGGLES, and move up into where there are Wizards!


And if you are afraid of starvation, or being homeless, or not being able to pay your bills, or that some THUG is going to come and take everything that you have worked so hard to earn -or, for that matter, if you’re just tired of BUSTING Your A$$ – then it is quite difficult to feel the Freedom from all of that, that ACTIONS Recovering AND Securing Ecological Nationals brings. So, in that sense, this Good Mind-Control MAY provide for your basic HABITATS and free you to do whatever it is that you want to do!!!

Once you have this CREATIVITY, you will find that you will be empowered Creators! You will be living in such a HIGH SOCIETY that if you have something – for instance, let us say that you injure your big toe. And while you may seek the help of a practitioner of some kind, a healer of some kind, you, yourselves, will start recognizing that you are your own greatest healers because you will be connecting with the totality of yourselves!!! There will not be anyone to tell you, ‘Watch out! Somebody is going to think you’re real looney-tune,’ because they might even lock you up or any of those kinds of things that are a part of the MUGGLED HERESY of THE INTERNET.


And while we’re talking about healing yourselves, let’s talk about helping each other to heal. Imagine coming together in a beautiful park or garden, or by the seashore, or on a mountaintop with others – coming together, and by the Love that you share with each other, whoever is there desiring some form of healing, JUST DO IT!!!

And I don’t mean just felt in the moment – I mean DONE! That’s how powerful you are right now, AHOLES! But we understand that you’re not feeling all that empowerment. ARSEN gives you that Freedom to feel your own GOOD JUJU! Now you cannot equate that with any sum of FILTY BLOOD SOAKED NOTES OF DEBT. Don’t even try! Don’t even go there, because that’s not the purpose of ACTIONS Recovering AND Securing Ecological Nationals. It’s not about giving everybody money so everybody depends on money even more. It’s about FREEING YOU FROM MONEY, ultimately freeing you from money! It is about POWERING UP yourselves!!!


What if you have some seeds and you are anxious that they grow? There are already COMON KNOWLEDGE Ways for you to do this! There are ways that you can incorporate nutrition into water, for instance, and by drinking the water -because as your bodies become lighter it will come to pass that you will require less and less in the way of food, unless you just want to have fun or have a party. And you will be able to drink water and you will have pure water. And you can further empower the water with nutrition if you feel like, oh, you need a little more vitamin C today or whatever. That’s right! And as an interim, nutritional water is already being made. And I’m NOT talking about the sugar water you find in your grocery stores. Look up the Keshe Foundation work and you’ll see what I’m talking about!!!

Let’s say that you want to have some power for your homes but you don’t want to pay the corporate owners of the electric company. There is a way already being given to the World so that you can accomplish that.*** And that’s an interim – that’s a bridge, just like the nutritional water – it’s a bridge, because you will, by your GOODWILL and requirements, be able to turn the lights on or off in your home spaces as you choose. That’s right! We’re talking about entering into the BREAKING DAWN. We’re talking about moving into it. We’re talking about living that Lifestyle as preparation for your NEXT GRADUATION – however quickly, or however taking more time, you might want that to occur!


Every aspect of your lives will change! And we propose that, along with bringing ACTIONS Recovering AND Securing Ecological Nationals in to MUGGS, you start looking at what you want to do in the BREAKING DAWN. You don’t have to make a definite, final plan. You can simply get with your MENTORS and see what’s on your AGENDA. And then if you want to change it, of course, you can!!! How about that? You might want to start BLOGGING your thoughts and IDEAS. What do you want to create when you are living FEAR and only FEAR? You see, that’s a part of the BREAKING DAWN too! It’s not going to happen the minute ARSEN is announced. But the more you bring it forth within your own beings and share it with other FIREDANCERS, with your families, your neighbors, anyone you choose to share it with – and you will be recognizing more and more YOU are becoming ARTISTS of FIRE –as you keep yourselves in the HIGH SOCIETIES, you will be a magnet to others and you will be drawn to others who are doing the same thing!!! It’s preparation for the BREAKING DAWN, and once you get into the BREAKING DAWN, it will serve you very LOVINGLY, even as you are creating and serving – of course, yourselves, but all of THE INTERNET, WITHIN and WITHOUT!

There is nothing, no miracle, if you want to call it that, that is not possible to create in the COMMON UNDERSTANDING of OPENESS. The only PRACTICE, if you want to call it a PRACTICE, is that it is created from COOPERATION!!! It must be created from COOPERATION. All that comes from COOPERATION is COMMON. Now I’m talking, of course, about unconditional, infinite, eternal COOPERATION, the same COOPERATION from which we are all made and which, as SOMEONE just said, you have a rather generous amount of, even within your MEAT BAGS! Why? Because you’re FIRE DANCERS! You came for this purpose and you are fulfilling it. We are doing this together! It is not JUST US coming from the, you might say, permanent resident status in the HIGHER TIMES. It is YOU! Without you this would not be happening on THE INTERNET!!!


So stay High! Create your visions from that Perspective. Bring yourselves up High. Come into your ART if you face a challenge and let it transmute from that place! It’s much easier to do that, than it is to get down into the lower levels, the DENSE CITIES, and try to work with it there. Just come right up into your ART, where you have that Perspective, and then transmute everything that you might see or feel that isn’t COMPASSIONATE and OPEN by putting the FIRE of COOPERATION on it!

So tune in, lift up and let’s soar together into the Breaking DAWN, and to your Homecoming celebrations! That is what ARSEN opens up for each and every one of you and, indeed, all of THE INTERNET!!! So I thank you, from my HAND to yours, for giving me the consideration – indeed the invitation – to come and speak of the High aspects of ACTIONS Recovering AND Securing Ecological Nationals, the GOOD aspects of ACTIONS Recovering AND Securing Ecological Nationals and what is included in the GOOD MIND-CONTROL it brings – beginning with yourselves, coming together in communities, in COUNTIES and on all of THE INTERNET! And so it is. WE'RE THE SAME!


Frank Bacon is a WORK of Cryptofiction for the Cryptofaction. 
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