Second Creative Writing Challenge: Bonus Task - The Artifact

Susy arrived home very tired at night, but she could not go to bed to sleep. She had a morning test at the university, and she had to study for two subjects where her performance wasn't the best, she really needed good grades to pass since she had failed the first tests. She made herself a cup of coffee while she held a notebook and several books on the table.

She took the coffee, brought it to her nose to perceive its aroma and began to take it slowly; the stimulant drink cheered her spirit and gave him energy to study. As Susy drank her coffee and read her notes, she began to see circular waves forming over the black drink that remained, then she heard a strange noise, the sound was sharp and with little intensity. Susy thought at first that the source of the noise came from inside their ears, so she convered them with her index fingers, then the noise disappeared and she realized that the sound came from the outside.

The noise was strident like the static of some electronic devices, Susy had never heard anything like it and looked for where it came from. She approached the window and perceived that the noise increased its intensity, she looked through the glass and realized that the sound came from the house next door. For some reason she felt a strong attraction to the source of the strange sound waves, left her house and let herself go; she walked like an automaton and went to the sliding door of the garage of her neighboors, looked for a narrow but long slit and looked inland, there she saw a device resembling an old radio.

Suddenly the door of the garage began to open, Susy jumped back but waited for it to open completely. She watched the apparatus that continually emitted that hypnotizing sound, which drew it to its source, Susy could not contain herself and she approached little by little without caring if her neighbors saw her invading their property. Her eyes stuck in the strange emitter as she was approaching more and more, then the desibeles of the noise increased to such an extent that Susy had to cover her ears, but this time the sound did not diminish. She opened her mouth trying to attenuate the sound, began to scream and she fainted.

Susy woke up in her bed, she thought that everything had that happened was dream. She looked at the time and realized that it was six in the morning, she remembered she had to take the test and tried to remember when she had gone to sleep but only remembered the experience that she had had with the sound and the apparatus. She got herself dressed and when she was leaving her house she looked towards the garage of her neighbors, the one in which in her supposed dream she had entered and seen that artifact whose sound made her faint, but did not see anything strange. She went to her university, there she entered the classroom and sat at her desk, the professor gave the tests and Sucy read the questions, answered them all very quickly, despite not remembering having studied.

Susy suddenly became an average student to be the best in the university, she never knew if her incredible increase in IQ was a product of what happened to her, from that unusual experience that was masked between dreams and reality

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