My lil homies


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

My cats are the coolest


Keiichi and Rusty have been doing awesome and growing like weeds. They are some of the most playful kittens I have ever seen. I think they are taking on dog traits as well because they follow me around and always want to be a part of what is going on, much like a dog. I hope that this continues as they get older and they don't start acting like normal cats and begin to go do whatever they want throughout the day.

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Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Rusty and Titus are becoming best friends and even though Titus chases him around a lot, Titus is still super gentle with him and treats him like his baby. Rusty spends a lot of time playing with Titus' puffy tail and then he cuddles up with him and takes a nap.

Both of our rescue kittens have really found their place here in our home. Soon we will be taking to get their balls cut off so they can't make more kittens.

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