The Scene~

I gave up today. Yes, me. I even wrote the words to a friend when they said I could not. But words didn't matter. In my soul, I had given up. I was tired. I was hurting. I was done trying.

I closed my conversation with my friend. Before I closed out of Discord, there was one red dot from a special friend. I had not left them a message, so I clicked to see what they wanted.

I broke down in tears when I read what was there.

If you ever thought you were alone, I am here to say we are not. The world is filled with angels that show up when you need them most. Today I was beyond repair; it took one word and one person to make me see the light again.

You know who you are, and THANK YOU!

Below is my Create the Scene passage. I made this post to make myself work on the part of my writing I can improve. I figured this way; I do not have to write a whole story to learn; others may want to join if they thought it would be fun.

The #createthescene tag was never meant to be a burden to anyone or me. I had a terrible week that started ten minutes after I had made the initial post.

Anyway... Below is my try at improving my scene building.

First version

Angry black clouds rolled over the skies, covering all in its wake. No more shiny, twinkling lights, no more moon to light the way down the rock-lined path. The air was filled will anger that boiled and bubbled. Oxygen was sucked up into the swirling clouds leaving dead silence behind.

Cracks of sound could be heard coming from the very clouds above. Soon followed by flashes of angry light piercing the blackest black's depths. The earth is still in its rotation, not knowing if it will survive. Never before had such anger been spilled all in one place.

Time stood still while the sky beat its breast, shedding every bit of anger out of its soul. There was no lull in the rampage as time ticked by.

Just as the earth could take no more of the pressure the storm was causing, a gust of wind shot up from the core. The clouds tried to hold their ground but didn't stand a chance against the breath of fresh oxygen.

A light came over the clouds, and the human form was shone at last. Long white hair cascaded down as she bowed and flew off feeling better after having her say.

Edited Version

Angry black clouds rolled over the skies, covering all in its wake. No moon or twinkling stars lit the way down the rock-lined path. The air was filled will anger that boiled and bubbled. Oxygen was sucked into the swirling clouds leaving dead silence behind.

Cracks of sound could be heard coming from the clouds above. Flashes of enraged light pierced the blackest black's depths.

The Earth's rotation came to a halt. Never before had such anger poured out all in one place. Time stood still while the darkness shed every particle of anger out of its soul. There was no lull in the deadly rampage as time ticked by.

Just as the Earth could take no more pressure, a gust of wind shot up from the core. The clouds tried to hold their ground, but they didn't stand a chance against the breath of fresh oxygen it was impacted with.

The human form was shone at long last. Long white hair cascaded down as the human bowed to the Earth she loved.

Sitting down with something I wrote and trying to improve. It was a lot of fun. Time-consuming but that is to be expected. I am very happy with the end result.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


Red Sky Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash

dark sky Photo by Victor Rodriguez on Unsplash

Rock path Image by SplitShire from Pixabay

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Wes~ | Samsung S9 | LunaPic

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