Create the Scene | It's Not a Contest!

I had an idea. It is an excellent idea. It is an idea I should do.


It will be hard work to do what I am thinking of. I would like to know if I will come out the victor when I try my best to follow through with this idea.


Time for scary things never happens because they are tricky, and you want to avoid looking like a fool or wasting your time. The question then becomes, when do you grow as a person, artist, writer, or speaker of boring things?

How do you know you are improving if you do not put your learning out in the world? It is sitting in the filing cabinet of your mind under will learn to do one day which is already full of cobwebs. You have given the creatures who like dark, undisturbed places a home for life. I am sure they are thankful but are you?

I love making contests as much as I love doing them, but the problem I see is you have to make a perfect thing for any competition. To make something perfect, you go back to what you already know so well and do that. Hence once again not learning anything new. Just recycling what you already know you are good at.

I read an article years ago that Diana Gabaldon wrote her best-selling book Outlander by accident. She wanted to see if she could write a certain kind of scene in a book. After many tries, she finally accomplished what she had set out to do.

What she wrote is somewhere in the middle of the book Outlander. She went on to write scenes in the same manner, all out of sequence but trying new techniques as she went. Once done, she arranged the book in order and made some changes to the manuscript to make it flow as beautifully as it did.

How true this story is, I do not know, but it hit a cord in me because I never forgot what I had read.

So how do we make something challenging, fun, and okay to do and get ourselves to do it?

This is where my idea comes in... I do not like to be miserable alone. Being bad at something is more fun when you are in a group, all learning for the joy of it and sharing what you are trying to learn.

I would love to get better at building a detailed scene. I want my reader to be transported to where I tell the story. I want to create a space they can feel, smell, and touch.

I want to show the first draft of my scene as I wrote it and the last draft, where I finally said ENOUGH! and stopped.

I will have both drafts in the same post. Each scene will be at least 100 words. I can make it longer, but it would have to be 100 words to get any depth to the scene you are creating.

I want to learn to create a masterpiece painting with words.

If this sounds like something you would like to join in and do, below is the condensed version of what the project should entail.

  1. Write a scene of anything your creative mind wants to write about.

  2. Save your first draft. This will be in your post.

  3. Make as many changes to your first draft until you come up with a scene you are happy with. This will be in your post.

  4. Please post it on Hive under the Hashtag called #createthescene.

  5. Please read a few of the other posts you might find there and leave a comment.

  6. Have your post finished and posted whenever you feel like it.

If there is enough participation, we can work on something else together next week. If not, it's okay too. I only write this post because you only know if others would want to join along if you ask.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


Thumbnail: Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

group: Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

story: Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook

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