The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.29 The Decline of Prehistory

After Lavos’s collusion with the planet Earth things went from Bad to Worse as another Ice Age set in to slowly kill what little life remained on the surface of the Earth that wasn’t already underground in a self-sustainable bunker. Confounding this treacherous environment even further was the explosion of a nearby star that would radiate the planet Earth with Getter Rays that killed many more Dinosaurs as well!

The only good that came from the end of the Dinosaur’s reign over the planet Earth was the forging of Mjolnir from the exploding star by the ancient dwarves in space. One of the most powerful weapons in the universe!

The Declining Age of The Dinosaurs

Underneath the ground the last remaining sentient lifeforms were helpless beneath the power of new Dictators that were once successful and influential traders and noblemen as they formed corporations such as WESAYSO and the Koopa Conglomerate to control entire bunkers of life that they renamed into mega cities or bottled states such as Dinohattan , New Pangaea , and the Savage Lands ,

For these new corporate pseudo governments their main directive was to operate as if nothing had changed ever since the apocalypse paying no mind to the degenerating trends of their civilization or thinking about the future. Their only concern was profit above all else.

What they discovered through their research though were new forms of energy such as the Dreamstones and the Dino Gems that they found in mining expeditions near meteor crash sites be they just unrelated meteors or around Lavos itself! Access to these new precious finite resources were the key to whether an underground colony would survive the apocalypse or collapse in upon itself by stagnation.

A Snapshot of the Era

Within these conditions thus began the Cenozoic Era and the Paleogene Period on the planet Earth. Although despite the brutal and totalitarian conditions within the bunkers the sentients of the Earth that could be considered advanced lifeforms would live for around 4 million more years before many of their colonies would collapse internally due to a myriad of reasons and factors.

Nonetheless evolution proceeded on with the mysterious W’rkncachters coming into being across the greater universe as a new galactic threat in the year 64’000’000 B.C.E. and one of them would even land in the Yucatan Peninsula in what would eventually become Mexico!

Meanwhile within the underground bunkers the first Creodonts emerged around the year 63’000’000 B.C.E.! However precious little else would occur before the bunkers and colonies collapsed internally from their own mismanagement or other irreconcilable social factors that led to their collapse…

A snapshot of this period tells us of an average Dinosaur family that lived around the time of the collapse in the year 60’000’003 B.C.E. known as The Sinclairs an average middle class family in the bunkers where they lived out they’re days peacefully before the end came in the form of an Ice Age caused by WESAYSO Corp.

The Source of the Light

In the year 60’000’000 B.C.E. the frail race of the Necrontyrs were discovered by the C’tan star vampires who feasted upon the suns in galaxies! As an unexpected gesture of kindness towards the C’tan the Necrontyrs give one of the C’tans a body which thus created the Night Bringer otherwise known as Aza’gorod the first true C’tan!

Aza’gorod then demands more bodies for his kin and he slowly turn the Necrontyrs into the Necrons with the help of his fellow C’tan Mephet’ran the Deceiver thus when the C’tan begin a bid for an Empire the War In Heaven would begin!

The Forces of Sentience were reunited once again to do battle with this species along with the combined forces of the Guardians of the Universe, the Gallifreyans, the Cybertronians, and their newly recruited allies: the Eldar and the Old Ones that they finally push the C’tan back!

How the Forces of Sentience were able to strike back so easily against the C’tan was mostly thanks to infighting among the C’tan elders mostly orchestrated by Mephet’ran the Deceiver himself to try to gain more power!

To Doom A Universe

Eventually the C’tan and their Necron minions under them were diminished to almost nothing. Only four C’tans remained alive: Outsider, Deceiver, Night Bringer and Void Dragon. In a last ditch attempt to save themselves they began to experiment with Warpspace to attempt to find any kind of last minute saving technological advancement that could save them. What they got were horrors beyond anyone’s imagining…

Now the dreaded Warpspawn began to ravage the universe and they singlehandedly killed all of the Old Ones and made several other minor species extinct! Thankfully at the end of the conflict the Spawn were hunted down to a manageable population and the Enslavers were finally banished from the realm entirely!

The Stasis Treaty

Seeing that the three way war between the Warpspawn, the C’tan and the Forces of Sentience was starving the Universe of souls for the C’tan to consume the last of the C’tan went into a great hibernation to awaken billions of years later when the universe repopulated with enough souls for them to consume.

And meanwhile with Szarekht the Necron’s King without any allies to his name and the Gallifreyans and the rest of the forces of Sentience descending upon him, he finally decided to surrender for peace. So thus in the subsequent stasis treaty the Gallifreyans having the most say over Szarekht and his people’s fates exiled the King into an intergalactic void and interned all of his people within Tomb Worlds never to awaken again!


Thus would the Age of the Prehistoric Times end with many extinctions both on our planet and across the stars. Across the Universe all would rebuild their ruins and rubble into what little could still be constructed from it.

At the end of it all though life still breathed and hope lived on…

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