The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.12 Asura’s Rebellion

By the year 870’000’000 B.C.E. the Deity Sphere entered a stable cycle of fending off Gohma Vlitra under the command of Emperor Strada; a puppet of Chakravartin who desired to be his successor just like Deus with his own ambitions to rule his own universe with absolute power as Chakravartin would expand throughout the multiverse if all went well in the universe where he was.

This led to an internal conspiracy within Strada’s generals headed by Deus that tricked the other Deities sans a one General Asura whose daughter Mithra, Deus had his sights on for his plans for a certain great excess of Mantra she possessed within her naturally. Deus’s plan would see him murdering Emperor Strada and then blaming Asura for it after killing Asura’s wife who was also General Yasha’s sister!

Deus’s narrative; that he wanted to create with this was that Asura simply lost control of his great and powerful rage and that he destroyed everyone he loved hence his ‘safekeeping’ of Mithra was justified and since he was effectively the de facto ruler of the Gods; Emperor Deus set about using Mithra as a power cell for his own superweapon the Brahmastra set to annihilate Gohma Vlitra the next time it emerged from the Earth.

However, Deus would also need a large quantity of faith and Mantra to power the Brahmastra and to this end he reorganized Emperor Strada’s generals into the Seven Deities and together they would farm Mantra and faith out of the native sentient species of the Earth which had evolved into early humanoids lifeforms from the Lilin of the Black Moon who were the children of Black Moon Lilith via converting their bodies into mantra or physically killing them and extracting the faith and Mantra en mass.

The Wrath of the Betrayed

General Asura however it is said upon his first death as he was struck down by Emperor Deus’s divine lightning and cast down from the heavens into the Hellish Realms he swore vengeance on the Seven Deities and that he would come back to strike them down for dareing to harm his daughter Mithra and kill his wife as well!

And have vengeance he did as Asura climbed out of the Realm of Naraka up its pillars and he had killed the Generals Wizen, Kalrow, and Augus in his encounters and his quest for revenge. At the same time Yasha would start to question Emperor Deus’s mass murdering of his own followers and he would sabotage the Brahmastra’s test firing to kill Asura as its ‘maiden voyage’

Yasha would also discover an alternative power that could be used to finally slay Gohma Vlitra but Deus would hear none of this. Ultimately all the Seven Deities would be slain save for Asura and Yasha who together with Mithra’s prayers had killed Gohma Vilitra. It was then though that Chakravartin would reveal himself and choose Asura as his successor as per his grand design.

Upon hearing that all of what Asura had known for his whole life had been for no reason other than the games of a greater god he was furious and he would try to strike down Chakravartin to no avail and Asura and Yasha were sent back to Earth with Mithra in Chakravartin’s hands to become the vessel he would take as his original body would age and die over the course of his long-term plans.

Yasha however would give Asura more power in the form of a great Mantra reactor that would summon the collective Faith, mantra and power of the entirety of the lifeforms on the Planet Earth and Asura would then use this to slay Chakravartin and it is said that Asura had punched Chakravartin so hard in a great final blow that Chakravartin dissipated from existence!

This did not come without cost however as it was Chakravartin who was the source of all mantra and that included Asura so Asura dissipated as well believing that he would meet his wife in the life he would go into. Mithra was sent down to the Earth and she would watch over the remaining Lilin’s and other humanoids and recount the story of her father’s quest to the children of the Lilin like a kind of second mother. And she would recount this story and help the local Lilin’s and humanoids for the rest of her days until she inevitably passed away to see her parents and her uncle Yasha in the next life…

Reactions to Asura’s Rebellion

The rest of the gods received a grim reminder that day of how fragile they all were when Asura killed Chakravartin. Emotions the gods felt ranged from fear to confusion. With Chakravartin gone there would be a lot more work to do in recreateing a solid power base and worship network for life after Chakravartin’s reign; even before factoring in the Elder Gods this was a monumental task!

Though almost every god agreed that no one god or an oligarchy of gods can dominate all of humanity at one time; lest that power corrupt him beyond imagining. So to this end humanity was divided into godly spheres of influence and areas that they claimed to influence in a system of division to make sure that no god or godly alliance would take over the faith of the Earth intentionally.

Of course, a god’s faith and religion could still ‘spread naturally’ via the free wills of the sentients as gods like YHVH noted…

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