Coronavirus mitigation reduced all respiratory transmission.


Perfect display of how the coronavirus mitigation was effective at reducing all respiratory pathogens in general.

First chart is of seasonal influenza. Second chart is of seasonal human coronaviruses (excluding SARS-COV-2). Third chart is of GISRS samples over the last three years.

Note this all occurred during increased screening. Specimens processed by GISRS actually were up amidst the pandemic. One treats the coronavirus with corticosteroids that actually are harmful with influenza, so accurate differentiation is critical.

We've seen the seasonal human coronaviruses have a resurgence this Summer as mitigation relaxed. They normally surge during the winter months, but are surging off-season. Seasonal coronavirus immunity is short-lived and drives the seasonality dynamics. But because people avoided infection during the pandemic, there wasn't much population immunity against the seasonal coronaviruses.

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