COVID herding is for big bank establishment control over the entire planet.


We are all herdable, some more than others. Psychologists have done numerous studies on how humans operate as herds.

If several people say that the longer of two sticks is really shorter, then ninety percent of test subjects will agree, even if they can hold the sticks in their own hands. The ten percent who can stand up to this peer pressure, and correct the entire group, do so only under duress.

In one experiment, subjects sat in a waiting room in which everybody stood up at the sound of a bell, and then sat down again. Eventually the test subject would get the hang of it. But, even after the rest of the people were called away, one by one, the subjects still continued to stand for the bell, all by themselves, and also recruited new people to stand at the ringing of the bell, without ever being given a reason why.

Fitting in, and being part of a group, and not challenging the group narrative, may have evolutionary roots. Individuals who were banished from their tribe, in ancient times, had a lower chance of surviving and reproducing. It's instinctual to belong. It's how we are wired.

We are built to be herded. Part of that means that most of us go along with the commonly held notion that Americans are ruggedly independent and are not being herded and would never go along with it even if they were. Most people are quite adamant about that, which flies in the face of the actual test results.

We are being herded into believing that the global COVID-19 pandemic is a plague, despite the actual results in Hubei Province, China, where 4,512 people out of a population of 11.08 million people died from the virus. That’s a mortality rate (deaths per population of Hubei) of 0.04%.

Using this as a model for what to expect in the US, that 131,000 Americans would from the virus.

The CDC now lists 548,000 deaths from COVID. But, we normally divide reports on flu deaths by each year. If we do that for COVID, about 300,000 Americans died in 2020.

Plus, the CDC’s number for COVID deaths include confirmed, presumed, and provisional deaths. In the UK, they only report confirmed COVID deaths.

The CDC’s confirmed death count for COVID runs along at about half of their ever-increasing total deaths for COVID.

So, about 165,000 Americans died of COVID (confirmed) in 2020 alone.

Compare that to the 131,000 estimate of US deaths from COVID based on the Hubei Province experience. China continues to address hot spots of COVID cases in China and there has been no second wave like we had in the US, mostly in 2021.

In 1968-69 the flu season killed 100,000 Americans out of a population of about 200,000 million Americans (1970 census). That’s a death rate of 0.05%. The Woodstock music festival took place that summer, in a lull between peaks of the epidemic.

In the last ten years, 360,000 Americans have died from the flu.

Yet, we do not shut down the economy over the flu virus.

The natural response from most people is to argue AGAINST this simple math, using many different rationales, which is typical herd behavior.

We are being herded by the yapping dogs of the news media. And, the corporate mainstream news media is owned and run by the biggest bankers, who also own the Federal Reserve, which just bailed out the banks and corporations with five trillion dollars because of the economic shutdown. The Dow Jones is over 33,000 points.

They have protected themselves from their own terror campaign on the news. They are not afraid of recessions. And, they do not really care if we die from the COVID-19 pandemic or the flu.

The news on the Coronavirus Scare is rigged, compared to the news on the flu deaths. Hospitals are also overwhelmed by flu epidemics. More people died from the flu in 1968-69 than died from COVID-19, in the US in 2020.

COVID-19 symptoms can be worse than flu symptoms, but not if the patient dies. The survivors of severe flu cases might get pleurisy, pneumonia, blood clots, and permanent damage. Most people with COVID get mild or moderate symptoms.

The big bank Establishment has a great deal of influence over US foreign policy (oil wars), Presidents, members of Congress, US military leaders, US governmental and private corporate intelligence agencies, and the news media, through their private Rockefeller/Rothschild-run Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Most Americans have never heard of the CFR, which runs our country, with an iron fist. We elect Presidents and members of Congress, but the CFR picks the candidates, grooms them, finances their campaigns through their banks and corporations, and advises them while in office.

The CFR is the hub of big bank and corporate control over our politicians who run the government and the news. It is not a democratic organization.

The international bankers and industrialists have used destabilization efforts to change governments to their liking, including wars, coups, funding, organizing demonstrations, creating mass shooting events and publicizing those events, and creating news media blitzes on everything from Confederate flags to the Coronavirus.

We are being herded for the interests of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and their corporate banks and corporations. Their goal is control of Russia and China, and the rest of the world, economically. They call it "globalization". They already run the US and EU.

Understanding why we are being herded helps to get our bearings. It's not for our own benefit.

COVID herding of Americans by the establishment news media is to justify trillions of dollars in big bank bailouts and to help put big bank establishment politicians, including the CFR member Joe Biden, in office, for better big bank control of US oil wars.

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