Covid, Exposed 12 years ago, by Alex Jones

Any who feel that Alex Jones is just "conspiracist" can leave now.
Since if you stay you might have your whole view put to shambles, as he predicted pretty much exactly what is happening now 12 years ago. If you refuse to see it even now that is totally on you.
Do they offer you the vaccines that are deemed unsafe in a 'volunteer' manner.
Then think about how volunteer this vaccine is, can you do anything if you do not get this vaccine?
No, but now that it is not even authorized there is no liability for anybody if you have a adverse reaction to the vaccine it is totally on you.
This is in some ways worse than what Alex Jones suggested a decade ago.
This Covid passport is a total removal of freedom.
It will also be a first step in removing the ability for anybody to be independent, if not that is already completely shut by the point at which you accept the passport.
In fact this whole lockdown has exposed just how much power these politicians have taken.
Perhaps it is time to say enough is enough.

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