Apply and Protect - Another Approach to COVID-19

//Vaccine Races//

Coronavirus has been the theme of the year and I can still remember where I was this time last year, without lockdowns and with good friends under the summer sun. The pandemic continues to flow around the world and life looks very different now. Searching for treatment, diagnosis and control are all means to an end as nations chase a viable vaccine. It’s coming up to a year since the virus has reared its ugly visage and a viable vaccine is most likely still some time away. Russia have gone ahead and have shocked other nations by going ahead with their new vaccine. General worries over rushing the final phase of testing is causing a stir but perhaps this game of Roulette will pay off dividends over time as the nation gets on its feet and perhaps others will want to purchase the drug.

//A New Approach to Prevention//

Elsewhere in the world, a new way of infection prevention has emerged in the way of an aerosol solution. Aeronabs have been developed by UCSF. Daily administration to the nasal area or a similar inhaler application would provide effective protection against the virus molecule through an isolation process. This might be the next best thing until a vaccine arrives as it’s a layer of protection that many would benefit from and help prevent spread throughout the population. A successful testing phase will make the aerosol immediately available for purchase as an inexpensive solution to preventing the virus. This might be a viable alternative in the interim and perhaps more accessible for many others around the world.


To summarise its working mechanism, inspiration for the approach was derived from nano-bodies that exist in various Camelids. Nano-bodies are similar to antibodies but are inherently much smaller and researchers have been able to understand and manipulate them to a great degree. Implementation of these synthetic nano-bodies ‘disarms’ the virus protein molecules as their initial interaction would normally spike and hook onto cells. In the presence of the virus, the nano-body will envelope the virus’ spike and prevent latching/infection. Building on top of this foundation, the arrival of AeroNabs is a solution to provide the most effective defence against viral infection. Linking of three specific nano-bodies will provide a multilayer interaction mechanism that will serve as a highly potent approach to disarming the virus protein. This form of alternative thinking and approach to the pandemic is required as society cannot rely on a vaccine alone.


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