I'm starting to have Corona-doubt

I'm not trying to push anyone's buttons or get anyone upset. But it is really difficult for me to look at the global pandemic and not believe that it is at least in part, blown out of proportion.


I have had many discussions with people about this online and I read the various posts that people share on Facebook but the consensus seems to fall along the lines with what I know about those people already.

  • The people who constantly "lecture" others on how to live their lives are doing so with this as well, particularly in relations to self-quarantine situations - and they do so in accusatory way similar to everything they would post about environmentalism or god forbid, anything related to politics
  • The people who are very well off also tend to lecture others about "staying home" because these people are going to be ok financially regardless. Just like celebrities who are in tears at their 10 bedroom mansion in the Hollywood Hills, they have no idea what it is like to live a "normal" life.
  • The people who have some connection to the medical industry are on a constant soap box about how everything everyone else is doing is wrong and we need to listen to them!
  • People who don't trust the media and / or government feel as though there is something sinister going on.

I fall into the last category and it isn't necessarily because I believe there is some sort of global conspiracy to rob the world of its wealth over a virus because I can't really imagine what the end game goal would be there (if you have some idea I'd love to hear about it.) After September 11th, I kind of jumped on the conspiracy theory bandwagon because the increased and ongoing expenditures on never-ending war started to become evident pretty much right away.


The media sensationalizing things is nothing new and I have never really understood their motivation for doing so. It must be working from a financial point of view because even thought they are exposed on a regular basis, it still carries on. I don't think this has magically stopped being the case during COVID-19 reports either.

Someone who I really respect recently sent me an extremely well researched article by Nick Pineault and no, I don't know if that name carries any weight to it but I seriously recommend that you check it out.

Click here to see the article


It is entitled "Navigating the "Coronavirus Panic" and while I have read a lot of snippets about this topic, Nick is able to present it in a way that is kind of difficult to argue with. It is almost completely devoid of wording that seems like nutjob conspiracy theory writing, and he references every single claim that he makes in it with quotes and studies done by respected doctors and researchers who actually are involved directly in what is going on right now.

Warning, it is very long but I really feel as though there is a lot of eye-opening information in there.

I live in Vietnam, a country that can not possibly bear the grunt of a long-term quarantine. The general population is simply too poor to not be working and getting an income for a long period of time. Their government also does not have the resources to simply pay people to stay at home. Well, the United States doesn't have it either but they seem to get a pass on spending money they don't have for some reason.

That article by Nick Pineault is likely the most compelling article I have read by anyone in regards to the current state of things on the planet and I challenge anyone to read it and come away from that thinking that he is wrong and / or a conspiracy theory nutter.

I'm not looking for a debate, I just don't believe entirely what we are being shown by the media. Tell me your thoughts and if you have time (I presume you do, since most of us are forced to stay indoors,) at least peruse that article.

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