Saying Covid is over hyped is not saying that it is a hoax.


Saying the threat of Covid-19 was hyped in order to get the public to accept lockdown and masking policies is a documented fact on numerous accounts and does not equate to saying Covid is a hoax.

Since all of this started, it’s also is a fact that there is no conclusive scientific evidence saying mandatory lockdown and masking policies are effective - we do have anecdotal evidence that really is meaningless when it “proves” either side of that argument depending on which geographic locations are looked at.

And isn’t it interesting that comparatively untested vaccines have been halted by one authority or another in a number of cases?

Anyone saying or believing that stating facts about industry, government, and media policies that hyped the threat of Cv19 and effectiveness of Covid policies - equates to saying COVID-19 is a hoax - is telling us they are victims of some of that Covid hype and propaganda we’ve all been subjected to.

Why does any suppose there’s a concerted censorship campaign being conducted by the establishment all across the West and beyond?

Do people realize the infection fatality rate for anyone under 70 is equal to or less than with the same seasonal flu that Covid hysteria now falsely claims masking and lockdown policies eradicated? Do people realize how absurd that is when the flu is now being lumped in as Covid and thereby artificially raising the number of Cv19 cases?

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