Coronavirus - Could This Be The Largest Group Psychosomatic Event Ever?

I should start this article by telling you all of what is about to follow is only a theory. Initially, it was no more than a passing 'what if?' moment, but as I considered the reality we find ourselves in and what we know about the power of the mind over body - well, it pushed me to dig deeper.

But while I say this is only a theory, I'm sure you will agree after reading this article that in no way is it a wild conspiracy theory, in fact the science we know about psychosomatic events supports this theory very well regarding the current environmental factors.

So, without further ado, lets begin.

What is a psychosomatic disorder?

Psychosomatic disorder, also called Psychophysiologic Disorder, is a condition in which psychological stresses adversely affect physiological functioning to the point of distress.

It is a state of dysfunction or auxiliary harm in substantial organs through unseemly actuation of the automatic sensory system and the organs of inner discharge.

Symptoms from the disorder include hypertension, respiratory infirmities, gastrointestinal unsettling influences, headache and strain migraines, pelvic torment, weakness, sub zero condition, dermatitis, and ulcers. In fact, just about any health issue, including death is thought possible from a psychosomatic disorder.

Inducing a Psychosomatic disorder

Just to give an understanding of how powerful this phenomenon is, you need to look no further than Voodoo and curses. These commonly known dark practices can induce very real reactions, including death. But it is not achieved through some supernatural dark magic, it is achieved by someone with great social power placing fear into another.

The following text was taken from the Psychosomatic Medicine: May 1957 - Volume 19 - Issue 3 - p 182-190[1]

There are a few interesting points in this text, but one that really caught my attention was this:

...with regard to South America. Apparently Soares de Souza was first to observe instances of death among the Tupinambas Indians, death induced by fright when men were condemned and sentenced by so-called "medicine men".

Likewise Varnhagen remarks that generally among Brazilian Indian tribes, the members lacking knowledge, accept without question whatever is told to them.

Thus the chief or medicine man gains the reputation of exercising supernatural power. And by intimidation or by terrifying augury or prediction he may cause death from fear.

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Psychosomatic Group Event

Psychosomatic disorders can be induced on a large scale, this phenomenon has occurred before, often with no determined cause ever discovered - but a psychosomatic group event nevertheless.

One example of this was at a rural elementary school in Alabama in the l970's, here is the report published in The Lancet[2]:

In May, 1973, 95 students and 3 teachers at an elementary school in Alabama became ill with pruritus or rash and with one or more of the following symptoms: headache, cough, weakness, sore throat, abdominal pain, sore or burning eyes, arthralgia, shortness of breath, numbness, fainting, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhœa.

More than 50 persons received care at a hospital emergency room. Four and seven days later, 18 and 14 individuals, respectively, most of whom had been ill on the first occasion, sought medical attention for the same problems.

An extensive epidemiological investigation was undertaken, but infection, allergy, and other organic causes were incompatible with the epidemic. Hyperventilation, an apparent visual chain of transmission, and recurrences at widely scattered places and times suggest mass hysteria.[2]

In another example which got named the "Strawberries with Sugar" outbreak which happened in Portugal in 2006, over 300 children were affected, the cause was a TV soap opera:

The schools fell like dominoes across Portugal in May 2006, one after another calling upon government officials with reports of dozens, then hundreds of students struck with rashes, dizziness and difficulty breathing, just as year-end exams approached. Was it a mysterious allergic reaction, a chemical spill, a virus?

After digging deeper, medical practitioners came up with a new culprit: “Strawberries With Sugar,” or in Portuguese, “Morangos com Acucar.” No, not the food—the vector for this disease was a popular teen soap opera with a saccharine title. Just before the outbreak in the real schools, a similar, life-threatening illness had plagued the teenaged characters in their fictional school.

The Portuguese students weren’t suffering from a virus or allergies: they’d come down with mass psychogenic illness.

There are dozens of examples of this throughout history, it is very real, at a physical level.

In 2008 Wired magazine published an article on how the US Government were concerned of a potential mass psychosomatic event within their borders due to the fear of a terrorism. The concerns of the US Government came to light after a communications leak through the website Wikileaks[3]:

Americans' fear of a terrorism could create a mass outbreak of a psychosomatic illness – even in the absence of any real attack – – creating a fake epidemic that could overwhelm hospitals attempting to treat real victims.

Adding to the confusion, the symptoms of a mass pyschogenic illness look much like symptoms of an anthrax attack, avian flu outbreak or chemical attack.

At least that's what the feds warned hospitals in a nonpublic 2006 communique recently published by the government sunshine site Wikileaks.[3]

All you need is the perceived threat and the affects on the population can be as serious as if the threat was real. A fake epidemic as they call it, pushing health services to their limits because of a fake pandemic.

A World in Perpetual Fear

So the existence and possibility of these psychosomatic events on a grand scale is clearly very real and a serious concern for Governments. So is it entirely out of the question that the current situation we find ourselves in regards to the Covid19 pandemic could be partially if not full attributed to a psychosomatic group event?

Lets consider what is required for a such a phenomenon to occur. Firstly, you would need large numbers of people to all follow and entrust the same information stream, in this case this would be Government, Health Authorities and Mainstream media. We certainly can all agree that this requirement has been met. Secondly, we need this trusted information stream to induce fear and panic into this large group of people, ensuring a perceived threat.

It's fair to say that there has never been a time in recent history where so many people have all shared the same belief of threat from a common enemy, the virus.

Just think about it, over 50% of the World's people are being told they must not leave their houses, they must not come into contact with other people, not even family that live beyond their own accommodation. The media has been pumping out a continual stream of fear inducing stories of death and suffering from around the World.

Think back to how this began, in Wuhan, China where we saw a continual stream of frightening footage, people collapsing on the street, entire populations being placed into quarantine because of this unknown invisible enemy. The rest of the World looked on in horror and disbelief, priming their minds for what potentially was heading their way.

Covid19 - The Fear Virus

So, i'll put this to you - could what we are currently living through be largely attributed to a Psychosomatic event on a global scale. With the media and governments having the ability to feed the minds of the masses with the same fear inducing information, whether by deceptive intention or not, much of the excess mortality we are seeing 'could' be coming from a viral fear, rather than a novel coronavirus.

If this theory has any element of reality to it, the vaccine for COVID19 will be effective regardless, it will provide relief from the fear - basically a placebo. The vaccine has been placed by the media and establishment as the one thing that can save us all.

Now, this theory is more than just plausible, it's certainly on some scale happening, the big question is just how much of what we are seeing is psychosomatic and the even bigger question is, whether it is by malicious intention. This, we will leave you to speculate on.

What would be interesting to know is the fear index of various nations throughout this pandemic and how this correlates to the mortality rates.

Please let us know what you think about this in the comments below.





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