Corona Virus Crisis Intensifying. Protect yourself and Your Family.

The spread of the newest version of corona virus or COVID-19 is causing a lot of panic worldwide. Each day, new cases seem to be increasing exponentially. Travel bans are are already starting to occur for some countries entering the USA. It is certainly conceivable that widespread school and business shutdowns may occur over the next month or so in some parts of America. The mainstream media (mostly liars) are telling the general public what they want them to hear. Be afraid. Count on the government and media to save you. Do what you are told and you may survive this disease.

Here is a short (but growing) list of ideas I think may be good things to consider to protect your health and your families well-being during this period of chaos.

  1. Dissect every story your read or hear on TV regarding the spread of the virus. Worst case scenarios presented by commentators keep people glued to their TV set. Use common sense and question what you are actually hearing.

  2. Stay clean! The avoidance of disease can be a simple process of washing your hands thoroughly. Avoid people who exhibit symptoms. If you have to cough, cover your mouth with your elbow or forearm. Use soap and water or hand sanitizer to wash up.

  3. Keep adequate supplies of food for your family on hand. Very soon, there may be limited amounts of food on store shelves due to shutdowns caused by the virus. Buy enough food to feed your family for a few weeks to a month. Simple foods that are high in calories and are easy to store a prepare are a good choice. Canned fruits and veggies. Canned soups and stews. Tinned meat (spam, ham, etc.) in case fresh meat is unavailable. Flour, sugar, coffee, juices, powdered milk, powdered eggs, ramen, gravy packets, egg noodles. Buy things you and your family will eat even if there isn't a crisis.

  4. Consider changing the way you pay your bills. If you are currently overpaying on credit cards and other loan obligations, it may be wise to make minimum payments for a month or two, keeping more cash available for paying mandatory things like mortgage and rent. If your company shuts it's doors even for a few weeks, you may not be earning a paycheck, but your creditors will not care.

  5. Stay in close communication with friends and family that are not in your immediate area. See how things are going for them where they are. It may help you to know what is coming your way.

I will add to this list as I think of more ideas to help us all. Your comments are welcome below!

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Aware. Stay Tuned.

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