Almond Bread Baked In 15 Minutes!


I needed a carb free alternative

so I could have something resembling a sandwich from time to time. I'm eating a low carb style these days and I was kinda missing out a little on the bread end of things.


SO! I was very thankful when I fired up a conversation with someone doing the same eating style and we were furiously swapping notes after one of my gigs up in Peterborough last week.

I wasn't really sure I would be able to pull it off

right away because I needed almond flour and typically, at least for me, I have found it to be pretty expensive.


I felt super blessed because guess what I saw

when I stopped by Costco while in Peterborough? You guessed it!! A huge bag of almond flour at a steal of a price. I wanted to run out of the store screaming, 'Start the carrrrrrr!!!' Except I'm the only one who drives my car and I don't have auto start. So some poor stranger would have been furiously trying to get their key in the ignition and that's just not cool to do to people lol.


I would never have believed

that I could make a carb free bread in 15 minutes from scratch but I have done it a few times and I also took my friend's advice and fried it after baking it to give it an amazing texture.

Here's the recipe I scooped off the winterwebs, or should I say springerwebs now????? Weather's gettin' nice!!

50 grams almond flour (6 tablespoons but I hate counting)
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder (I recommend grinding with fingers)
2 tablespoons of oil (I have recently fallen in love with Avocado oil!)
Pinch of salt to taste

Fork it like a madman/madwoman/madboy/madgirl/madchild/manchild

Bake 10 minutes or so at 375 OR you can do it in the micro for 90 seconds.



Bit of a tip

Use any small baking thing you have

and pour in the batter. I lucked out by having kept all of the little insert pans from a sandwich press that went to sandwich press heaven a few months ago. Loved that thing, it was super hot.

I also read about several people suggesting tapping the pan several times pretty firmly to get out any bubbles or air pockets. Works like a charm. Nice, dense, lovely 'bread' that I can let cool and then slice and make a nice sandwich with.

Bon Appetit!!

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