Creamy Vegetable Soup With Carved Breast Fillet Chicken

Today's Special Fresh From The Kitchen!

This creamy homemade soup was created with herbs from my garden and some vegetables from our great local farmers. Served with carved slices of succulent garlic and herb roasted chicken breast Fillets.

Soup with chicken.jpg

I just love cooking real food for my family, it is so rewarding I want to share it with you all!

It is a great passion of mine to find as much fresh local produce as I can and use to cook recipes from around the world or create my own fusions of flavours and cultures.
I also love photography and I feel like I'm getting better at it from all my postings here on Steemit.

This post is equally as much about the food as it is about the joy of the making it and the vibrant colours of such fresh ingredients. If anyone asks I'll list them in the comments.

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Please Enjoy These Photos Of The Making

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Blanch tomatoes to loosen the skin.

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Peel them, you know you want to.

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Now dice them up, real good.

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Chop everything, like a ninja.

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Now simmer, nice and slow.

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Slide that tomato in, so good.

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Brown rice? Ohh yeah, anything you like.

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Baste it, to keep it nice and moist.

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Now carve it, so fine.

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Just a lick of cream, you deserve it.

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Hot, Moist, Creamy, and Ready to Eat.

I had lots of fun make this dish and this post I hope you had fun reading it. This one is about 50-60% local food.

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