There Is No Such Thing As Chemtrails

I could start this post with saying that what most people perceive as chemtrails are actually crystals of water vapor from jet engines. Just as easy I could be dismissed since really there is no way to tell. Side A defends that the evil elite are trying to control either the human population or the weather or for some, both. Side B believes there is nothing going on because all evidence suggests that there is nothing going on. The point of my post is not to repeat the same information you can find on google but actually stimulate some critical thinking from those who actually believe that some people are spraying evil substances in our... common sky.

And this would be my first argument. We all live under the same atmosphere. We all breath the same air. This means that any form of harmful substance that would be sprayed from the evildoers will eventually be inhaled by them and their children. Earth is a closed system. Nobody can escape the poison. In a more satirical way, the government might be spraying itself in order to control it better. They do seem to be doing an awful job at everything they touch anyways.

And this would be my second argument. Conspiracy theorists claim that the private sector can do any job much better. How on earth then a group of incompetent government leeches can pull off such an extravagant plan? What is the endgame of such plan? If population control is indeed the evil masterplan then that also would be contra to the elite's plans that want more and more wage slaves to do the menial jobs while themselves cash out from their minions.

Third and most important: The internet can spread good information as much as it can spread bullshit. For the money making savvy, you should understand that there is a market for everything out there. The more educated a person is, the harder is to sell something. People read that the atmosphere has particles of "strontium, barium and aluminum" and immediately think that these must come from the mysterious lines in the sky that don't seem to go away fast enough. Ignorance and fear fills in the gaps in most people's heads. I mean how on earth did they end up there ...rrriiight?

Polluting the youth

The more people that support the idea, the more likely is to be believed no matter how absurd it is. Say to any person today that they passed by the cemetery and saw zombies blessing the living and they will laugh at you or call psychiatric services. Tell them that this happened 2000 years ago in an era where any person of power could claim anything and people not only buy it but willingly worship it. Tradition is a very strong force and it seems that the earlier in life we are taught something the more likely future generations will believe it.

Forget about the peer-reviewed studies that say there is no collusion. Screw the consensus from the scientific community. At the end of the day, they could all be in it, munching grants and filling up their pockets right? The point of this post is to think about the issue critically with the tool in our disposal aka our brain.

There is no need to believe papers or other scientists but rather examine whether the accusation claims actually stand under rigorous critical analysis. If at the end of the day every single accusation can be explained by simple understanding of physics and chemistry it means that what we are witnessing is rather a confirmation that most people are scientifically illiterate.

Ask yourself. Why do you believe the conspiracy theory? What are your evidence? Is there a direct causation? Could a correlation fool your judgement? I believe any person examining the issue critically and not emotionally would be able to dismiss the chemtrail narratives with ease.

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