Participating in DE&CO competition



Just fast walkthrough about what is it all about. Civil and architecture engineering students gather together to build bridges of steel of approximately 6 meters spans. Students are divided by teams that contain about 4-5 members. Winner is choosen by the best building time, smallest weight, aestheticts etc etc... More info

Couple of days ago, we successfully finished our project, and we are waiting for results that will be show 15th January.

I have some optimistic feeling that we are meant to pass the firist step. If we do, our next station is to find some sponsors to finance us. We already have some companies in mind. So, wish us luck guys.

This thing you'll be watching is our teamstory, one of the documents we sent for eximination. Our team is called BraveNewbies

I hope you'll enjoy

logo mostasss.png

We don’t know what we started, or where are we headed, the finish is deep in the fog. But, we are sure of one thing, fortune choses the brave ones!

Design of Our Bridge

The design is quite simple. Simple enough for main axes of bridge to be shown with simple math geometry. Let’s imagine we have horizontal X and vertical Y axis:

Y=0.613*X+0.90 for -3.10<X<0 and -1.00<Y<0.90

Y= -0.613*x+0.90 for 0<X<3.10 and -1.00<Y<0.90

X= -3.10 and X=3.10 for -1.00<Y<0

Y=0 for -3.10<X<3.10

X=0 for 0<Y<0.90


Choosing the Type of Our Bridge

Because of the wide range of structural possibilities, we’ve been in dilemma between aesthetics and simplicity. And, as you can imagine when you see a group full of civil engineers, simplicity won. We chose simpliest truss type as possible. Bridge’s spans are tending to be continuous as much as conections between parts allows it. Near the ends of the bridge, deck truss will be built.Those decks truss will be continued with pony truss all the way to the center.



It will look like simple type of truss bridges called king post.


We are sure this type will be quite effective in building technology and in final results of displacement measurements, with efficient use of material.


The bridge is designed with three triangles. Every triangle represents one religion, Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Islamic. Together they have the same goal, to lead people to the right path in the simplest possible way.


Intense project of brave newbies

Last week of the summer, we gathered together to prepare ourselves for another year of pain (University). Main theme of our meeting was making this year interesting. We haven’t got any conclusion, we couldn’t find answers. Answers found us, we saw web page of DE&CO organization recommended by our friend who participated in the competition. The weighing period was very long, it lasted the whole ten minutes for us to sign in.


Because of numerous obligations toward University we almost forgot about our singing. Couple of days before deadline, one of organisators contacted our captian on Facebook profile. It was like cold shower, we’ve been already overloaded and needed more days in 2017 year. We don’t know why, but we agreed at once that we’ll finish it somehow. Luckily, insted of 29th December, (lik) said that we got time untill 2nd january. Sooo… Show must go on!


Information About Our University

Dating from in the field of civil engineering and geodesy in Serbia and in former Yugoslavia. Our former students have accomplished many significant successes in designing and building all sorts of construction projects both in the country and abroad, many of which are the construction projects of the highest degree.
The Faculty covers all three study levels of higher education in Serbia by offering seven study programs with one of them being presented in English. The main objective of the Faculty is to improve the teaching process and research activities conducted in cooperation with both national and international subjects. In order to achieve the highest educational standards, our teaching staff is committed to permanent learning and self improvement, while putting our students in the center of that process.

Thank you!

15th January I will post about results

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