Fruits And Flowers And....

Life is uncertain.... eat dessert first !

So I started with Mother's Day dessert, even though it was a week ago. We chose to have a mid-afternoon dessert visit instead of a meal, so all the mothers cold be together. It's mid spring 2/3rds of the way through here, so the berries and fruits are in their prime. It made for a great option for the dessert fest. There were some washed strawberries cut and ready to eat plain and some that had been washed, cut and sugared to make the perfect syrup for Strawberry Shortcake that could be slathered with some whipped creme. Across the table, topped with cookies was a giant banana pudding... oh yummmy !


Then of course there was the Luscious Lemon Cake that I had posted the recipe for previously. Believe me when I tell you I did not get home with a single slice after.

Our gathering was fun and I believe everyone enjoyed themselves.


This past Saturday I finally stopped in our local Garden Market for a few minutes. I bought a gallon basket of the most beautiful strawberries that are so sweet they qualify as dessert, plain, just like they are.

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I put a few in water to rinse as soon as I got home. I ate some then and some more on Sunday and I took some to share with Mother on my regular Sunday visit.

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I also bought two cantaloupes and just as I was getting up close and personal for a photo shoot....

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I realized this one was smiling at me ! Can you see it? I couldn't decide if it was winking at me or if the eye on the left of the photo had a monocle, you know, like the Mr. Peanut man. I almost felt bad about cutting it's head open, but only for a few seconds. Poor Mr Smiling Cantaloupe, but oh yummy, did his brains ever taste good !.... well.... after you picked the seeds out of them. ha ha

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I scooped the cantaloupe out with my melon-baller and later I enjoyed some of it with some cottage cheese.

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It is not quite tomato season in my area, although it won't be too much longer, but I decided to take a chance on this Cherokee Purple from who-knows-where. I cut it yesterday and it turned out to be pretty good. Cherokee Purple is currently my favorite kind of tomato. My Mom planted two vines of it at her house and is calling them mine. Gotta luv that ...right ? Yesterday they had two little tomatoes on them. I am not counting my tomatoes before they hatch though as she lives in the country and they could be lunch for an assorted amount of critters before they are completely ripe, but either way, it's the loving thought that counts.


I got a few flowers while I was at the market. Not many yet and I don't have them potted, so I'll show you more of that later and it is possible I could go back for more of those. Time will tell.... like it always does.


It's Monday, I clocked off of my at-home work station less than an hour ago and now.... now.... I am not sure what I will do now. There is more than plenty that needs doing around here and I might do some of that, or I might not....LOL....

I hope you are all doing well and that your hearts are happy.

Love ya !


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