Community Celebration: HIVE

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You know what is awesome?
Finding community. I've been on HIVE now for only a couple of weeks, but in that time I've really come to value finding places where I fit in - and the best part, there are lots of them.
When I came across @guiltyparties' call to celebrate in his blog: @guiltyparties/hive-challenge-community-celebration, I instantly knew it was a no brainer, that this was something I wanted to do!

- Splinterlands / Splintertalk
This was my initial community, I started playing the game, and through relationships in the game I came to understand a bit more about the relationship between blogging and the game itself. It's been a really rewarding experience to bounce between those two, and discords.

- Writing Communities
If I had time, I would be in the freewriters community all the time, but life is getting in the way, and the intention to do those five minute challenges seem like they will take hours! That said, I've been finding enjoyment in The Ink Well's weekly challenge. That's become one of my favourites.
The Ink Well

- Hive Book Club
Oh how I wish I had the time to engage more in this community, they're a friendly gang and I love books. I have just finished 'Other Peoples' Houses' and will be doing my next write up pretty soon.
Hive Book Club

And then that takes us to where I plonk myself down each day, the **CineTV community. **
CineTV Community

The admin in the community are working to build engagement, and each day they put together a twitter prompt. Each day, the prompt offers time for reflection to occur, and often invites nostalgia as you wander through memory lane. It also has a common language which unites everyone around film - and let's face it, that's pretty universal! I have posted a couple of Cinema release reviews, netflix reviews and a film critique - alongside the Twitter prompts. Their discord channel is also a delight to pop into and to say 'Good Morning'.

Since I've been on HIVE, I've steadily watched my voting power grow - and you know, I finally moved from the third decimal point to the second. I love that I can vote for 0.01 and I've been re-investing my Hive back into growing my voting power. Recently, I was part of Hive Power Up Day - and came 11th in the power up stakes! Thanks to everyone who has been part of this journey with me!

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