Finding Happiness Over Your Work.

Finding Happiness Over Your Work.

Happiness is one of the most important variables of life, and this is what everybody chases is on the daily basis. People make more money because they want to become happier, people make different friends because they want to become happier, people find a better job because they want to become happier, people do everything to make themselves feel happier since that is a natural state that everybody wants to be in.

However, how many people are actually living a life from happiness? A lot of people are still stuck at the job that they absolutely hate and dread to wake up to do, just because the money is better or they are scared that the new one they get will not pay them as much. Well, this is where you need to make your decisions? Do you choose your money over your happiness? What if you change your job to a better one that makes you 75% happier but you lose 50% more money, then you have to downgrade other areas of your life, like not buying a nice car, but the pay off is that you become much happier. 

Finding happiness over work is very important since over 60% of your life is going to be spent working so you must make sure that you are doing something you love, otherwise, there is a chance that you are going to be unhappy for the rest of your life. 

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