For the Next Year I'm Donating 100% of the $ I Generate on Steemit to the Garden of Eden 2.0!

It has come to my attention that I am more self absorbed than I would like to be. Significantly more. I would like to change that about myself. Here I go. 

To help myself become who I want to be, I am hereby pledging 100% of the money I generate from Steemit for the next 365 days to the creation of Garden of Eden 2.0! 

For those of you who are not yet familiar, let me catch you up to speed.

The Garden of Eden is an ecovillage in Arlington Texas, founded by Quinn Eaker on the values of sustainability, holistic health, and conscious evolution. The 3.5 acre plot where the GOE is situated lies right in the belly of the beast. Its inhabitants have come face to face with the local SWAT team over its right to conduct certain sustainability practices. Yet 4 years later, the full time volunteers that power the place are still wildcrafting natural medicines, teaching holistic health, and feeding the homeless.  


Quinn Eaker is my mate, the father of my three children, and the creator and leader of the Garden of Eden. He is a revolutionary and a rebel at heart, and a philanthropist and humanitarian by practice. He provides an unparalleled amazing and wholesome life, insightful counsel, and an inspiring example of beingness not only for me, but for a dozen+ others here at the GOE.   

The Garden of Eden 2.0, to which I am donating 100% of my steem $ for the next year, is the next level version of the Garden of Eden. We have been collectively dreaming of a fully self sufficient eco-village that has the capacity to support a few dozen families in living sustainable, holistic, amazing(!) lives. You know,  like not contributing to the death and destruction of our planet and the continued enslavement of humanity with every penny they hopelessly spend trying to fill their inner voids.   

If we build it, they will come. The exact place, name, dimensions, and so forth of the GOE 2.0 have still yet to take form. However, the conscious creation of this masterpiece of sustainable living is well under way in the thoughts, notes and sketches we have been accumulating for years already.   

It is way too big a dream to even summarize here, but just think: cutting edge sustainable technology, organic homegrown food, greenhouses, aquaponics, goats and chickens, wildcrafting, natural medicine, holistic health and healing, earthen buildings, composting everything, 0 waste, artisans and craftsmen/women, community, free and empowered children, trade/barter/share economy, natural abundance, freedom, laughter, transparency, responsibility, etc. You get the idea.    

Everything that is required to create such a haven already exists. All the technology, know-how, materials, and money required for this grand dream live infrastructure are already just waiting to be put together. And the GOE team is ready and willing to be the ones who make it happen.   

I can think of nothing more valuable I could do for myself, my family, and for the world, than to pour  my energy into the creation of such a place.   

So just know that when you upvote my posts, you are also contributing to the creation of this haven. 

How much $ can we raise together to make this dream a reality!?!?!?!

Thanks for your support.
Love, Inok

 If you haven’t already, check out @gardenofeden and @quinneaker for more juicy tidbits like these 

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