Saturday Morning....

I stayed up till 1 AM last night, because I could. I can only stay up late on the two weekend nights, since I don't have to go to work the next day. I mean, sure, I can stay up late any time I want, but either way, I have to get up to work, so not having enough sleep is not the smart thing. I try to get in bed at a time that will allow me proper sleep, even if I am not too sleepy when I crawl into bed.

(A random photo from February 2018, which is where all the below photos were taken from, except for one. I don't know if I meant to take this at the time, because it was pretty wonky, but as you can see in the back, my Christmas tree from that year was still up ! I never have a specific date for my trees to come down, that just happens whenever I get the whim to do it)


I put on coffee first thing, got a tall cup of water in my stainless lidded cup I drink out of all day and a cherry vanilla yogurt cup. I do take casual mornings on the weekends since I don't get that option during the week. I humorously claim that I act like I am retired on the weekends, in case I don't live to actually retire... ha ha

(Yesterday was my great nephew David's 4th birthday. He is named after his Grandad David, my brother, who passed in 2016. New life is always special. So far, I have 14 GREAT nieces and nephews !)


It's not that I never actually get anything done, I just make it up as I go along and of course if there is something unusual that needs to be done, I've already planned how it will be carried out.

(It seems in Feb of 2018 I was working on these kites. I never made it come out right. I'll have to try again another time. I love the thought of kites and seeing them dancing through the air)


It is true too that there is always plenty to be done, a little house cleaning, a little organizing and and who knows, maybe a little painting, although that doesn't happen much early in a day.

(I had some winter decor at the window in my bedroom and somehow their silhouttes attracted me in the early morning light)


It seems I cannot get up for anything though, without doing extras going through the house and coming back. I feel like I just got up and yet an hour and 20 minutes have gone by. A load of clothes is washing in the washer and the last time I got up, I carried the small trash can from my computer room and the bathroom to the kitchen to empty into the tall kitchen trash can, that will later be taken to the trash bin outside. It's not like that is anything amazing to do, but it does have to be done. So instead of me just dashing out to refill my coffee cup and being back in a flash, It's taken me 7 or 8 minutes to get back here. LOL.... but something little got done that needed to be done !

(I'm always ready for spring by this time of year and in 2018 I had already started gathering yard art and porch benches. This was irresistible to me when I saw it. I think it was mainly because it is yellow.)

yellow bench.jpg

I wanted to write a post while I am having my leisure morning and sipping my coffee. I didn't have an idea for a post though, so in-between trips to get coffee or turn on the washer or... whatever, I just began to write. I like to put pictures in my posts. Sometimes they are related to what I am saying and sometimes they are just random photos, because I don't have photos representing what I am saying.

(I got excited a while ago when I found this photo in my 2018 February file. The trees & bushes were beginning to bloom ! Spring !?... but it was only February 24th of that year?? What ?? Can it be this close?? I looked out my window at the bushes at the back of the yard to see if there was anything there and I thought I could see some yellow blooms on one limb. What ? I went to the kitchen and got my binoculars (LOL) and looked at the bushes out of the kitchen window and sure enough ! There is one limb that is starting to bloom. I am surprised and yet is seems I shouldn't be. I wasn't expecting any of that for a few more weeks !)


When I am doing just random photos, I don't always know what to use. I have seen some posters using flowers or landscapes or random nature shots and that is all good. To date though, I have swirled and twirled through my many photo files, old and new and my thought of what to use changes as I come across something different. It is not so hard for me when my photos go with what I am saying, but for some silly reason, choosing multiple randoms takes me WAY too long.

(Some of my Grandnieces. Some of them have really grown up since 2018. You can only imagine.)


I have an LG phone and the camera program that came with it likes to give me suggestions. Sometimes it enhances a photo I took or makes an animation by putting multiple photos together and that sort of thing and then it alerts me to come see what it has done ! ha ha.... sometimes I like it and save it and sometimes I think it is yucky and I delete it, but still, it is kind of fun to see what it comes up with. While I was typing this, without knowing what photos I would dash in, my phone alerted me and wanted to show me what I was doing on this day back in 2018. It had several from that year and the last photo was from 2013 ! Thank you LG, you just gave me the answer to the photos to put here....LOL...

(This one was from 2013. It's not the whole piece, but a close shot of the center)

2013 better.JPG

Of course now I'm feeling a little controlled by my phone. How did it know what I was thinking???....what I was needing ??? .... but hey, what tha heck?... why not?? Now you know about the total randomness of what you have just seen.

I typed the main part of this post and then as I added the photos in, I typed the part you see in the parentheses. I think I've done that before, but for real, on a normal basis, I have pulled my photos together and loaded them in first and then I go back and add my words.

So I sit here now and almost 3 hours of this day has already slipped past. The first wash is finished and in the dryer and the washer is full of water again, waiting for the next load. A few things have been put away and I'm still slowing sipping coffee. It's hard to drink it fast while I am typing. 😀 so I'm not done with that yet, but I guess I should stop and do some of the things I "should" do, although that thought is not too appealing to me....LOL !

I hope you all have a very good day.

Love you bunches !


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