Power Down? Egads ! What Am I Doing?

Hi There !
In case you've noticed ... or maybe not, my account has been in "power down" for some weeks now. Soon it will be powered all the way down except for a few dregs.

Why ?!?!?!?!

(I put some food porn here to make you hungry because what other kind of photos would you display while talking about power down?? This is a replica of a breakfast sandwich I experienced on a beach trip to the Outer Banks a few years back. It is ciabatta bread, toasted on the inside, with a generous layer of cream cheese and a LOAD of bacon ! I know we all like different things, but to my likes.... this was sinfully delicious. This is my version I made after the trip, because I simply wanted more. Believe me when I tell you that I did not exaggerate the amount of bacon that was on the original in my version. Oh yum ! )
beach sammy.jpg

About 3 months ago, for the second time in a very short time, I read that yet another of the exchanges?... where lots of folks used to get their hive out as cash into their real world was not going to handle American transactions for the such because of the fear of the rumors that our Political Mafia Leaders (yes, that's what I think about them right now) were going to change some laws, rules... whatever.... in a way that would affect them? negatively? I won't claim to know the technical way to explain it all, but I understood what it meant.

(Very chocolatey Devil's Food cake with some divine, pink butter creme frosting. I'd like a lick of that frosting on my finger right now.)


Now.... these US changes are things that "possibly" may happen....at least at the time and not something that has been put into place yet, however, it seemed some of the top ways folks used to take out money were no longer available.

(Bacon needs no explanation.... does it ??)

bacon 2.jpg

So I wondered.... who will leave America behind next? Will there soon be no way to access if wanted or needed?

(Cinnamon Buns ! These are not totally homemade. They come out of the dairy case. They are in a tube and at one end is a container of frosting. You pop open the can, pull them apart, bake them and then add the frosting while they are warm, causing them to have a very sweet glaze. They are only a bit special to me, because my folks bought these occasionally when I was growing up and so now they taste like childhood. Childhood tastes really good to my memories.)


Now... I have never taken anything out of my Hive. When I signed on in 2018 the Hive Boom had come and gone. The price was around 82 Cents and a lot of folks had deserted because that was too low... ha ha .... so obviously I didn't come here only for the money.

(Deep dish pepperoni pizza with onions...mmmmMMMMMMmmmmmm)


Two of my friends were here and had told me about it long before, but at first I was about to move from where I was living. I waited about a year to add internet access. I did have a mobile phone, but for real, I don't like one finger typing enough to do a post or anything like it from my phone, so it took me quite a while to ever come over. Finally I did hook up and sign on. Soon after, 82 cents would have been a BOOM... LOL.... and of course as you know it eventually got down to 20 cents and less for a very long time. Still.... I got to know some folks and some very nice people have supported me along the way.... for which I am VERY grateful.

One time I made a bunch of cupcakes for a party. These were just some of them. It was fun creating all the designs and with colorful frosting and sprinkles)


It's mostly been fun ! People always told me this couldn't disappear like some other places from the past where folks blogged or posted photos for money. I wasn't sure of that, but, ok. However, after I started seeing all these happenings, I thought, well it doesn't have to disappear to go bad if you lose all the options to turn some of the Hive that you have earned into cash if you ever wanted too. I had not planned on taking mine out any time soon, but if I wanted to one day, I wanted to feel assured that I could.
I was no longer feeling that.

(Pizza again?? Pizza deserves a 2nd round. This time pepperoni and jalapenos.. all hot with melty cheese. Yum yum ! )

pizza 1.jpg

So after I heard of the second place that would no longer be offering to help the US accounts get their money out, I thought.... well... wonder when all the rest will follow? At that point, I clicked on the power down and told myself, since it takes so long to power down, I will decide during that time what I want to do about it. I knew if I chose too, I could power it all back up immediately..... or I could then start research on what I would need to do to take my little earnings before there possibly became no way.

(Perfectly fried pork chops. I rarely fry anything these days, but occasionally I do !)


I am about a week away from the last of the power down. I am still undecided about what I will do. Although I originally would not have intended to take anything out at this time, it would be a shame to have earned even this little bit and find one day I could not actually have any of what I earned, where it would just be a useless number on a screen.
So now you know, if you were wondering.... or if you were not.
It's Saturday. I am about to post this and stop by the washer to put a load of clothes in the dryer and start the washer for the next load. I will then go to the kitchen, check on the dishwasher progress, grab my second cup of coffee and scan through some art online, while watching something artsy on TV and in the background of my brain, decide what I will do next? Will I do more chores... will I paint?? I don't know !
Hope you are all doing well and that everything is going well in your world.
Love you ! Mean it !
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