A Trip Down Mom's Drive

Monday ! ... it has a pretty bad rep you know and I sure did dread it this morning, starting all over again. For real, I'm glad to be here, but it would be no fun if I couldn't fuss about it a little bit. Fortunately, the work part of it is over, so I'm at the good place where the rest of it is mine to do or not do, as I please. I wonder what will please me after I make this post.
Yesterday when I got to Mom's, there were some little yellow wildflowers growing near her mailbox. I took a photo of them, but I was just taking it with my phone, out of my car window and they were to small and far away to make a good photo, so I left it out !
You can't see this unless it's expanded and then it is still kind of fuzzy, but there is a Mimosa tree growing in the middle of these pines. I love Mimosa tees. It' was pretty and sunny as you can see.


Since I then had my phone out, I rode slowly down the drive, snapping a photo every once in a while.
For some reason I kind of skipped an open part that is a small field. It has some apple trees in it and a dilapidated grape vine. They were all quite beautiful in the days when folks were younger and partners were still here. Now they just produce wildly.


It had been very hot and dry here, but we were on the edge of the storm Debbie the end of last week and for several days got a lot of rain, so everything is now green and lush.... for however long that will last.


Looking up....


A little wild area.


....and more looking up....


This is looking down a very small hill beside the drive. The hole is where the drain comes out that goes under the drive in a low place. If hard rains can't go through, they will wash things away.... because they are going to run one way or another. I have a little video I took one time when water was gushing out, making a river across the yard. It was pretty neat.


Opps ! My phone took a photo while I was driving a little further......my old and reliable car. It's a 2001 Honda Accord. That's right, I drive them till they wear out. No driving a new one a few years and trading it in for me. If it runs great, it stays with me to the end.... and yes, I had a flowery summer dress on. If I knew I was going to be in a photo I would have painted my nails ! 😂


Now we are getting near the house.


She has several Knockout Rose bushes that get so beautiful and they bloom over and over.


A closer look.


Then I was out of the car and looking out in the back yard.


and through to the back deck.


We visited and ate and had a good time. Then when it was time to go, I took a photo of this squash vine, yes, it is only ONE vine ! She did not plant it and is not sure where the seed came from, but it is a whopper ! It also goes a little further to the right of this photo. She has magic soil out there.


The walk from the back deck.


The sun was starting to drop.... time to go !


It's so pretty out there.,,, and peaceful. At 90, she really needs to downsize, but she doesn't really want to leave this place..... and I get it.
Well..... Time to go to the kitchen and figure out what I want to feed myself for supper and see what else the evening will hold.
Hope your week started out well and goes pleasantly.
Love you !
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