Types of people that lives in an apartment building

I have come to realise in our today's world that living in an apartment is not an easy life. Especially when your in your mid-20s where you can't afford to live in a nice building in a nice area but will actually feel way too old to live in an apartment were you can actually afford. But with the small apartment you can afford, here are the 10 types of people you tend to see around. 62a3218e77ff07af6df1f76d27c3aac8.jpg
1- The Gymnasts
These are the ones that will be jumping up and down, flip around. But then again you tend to ask the question, are they gymnasts,what are they doing up there?
2-The Showoffs
These ones aren't gonna allow your attention to steady. Probably they are good at sex. One can go along way before ejaculation and the other is good at screaming. What, can't we just remain in peace?
3- The Fighters
These ones will be screaming at them selves all day not allowing the neighborhood to rest in peace 😒
4- The smokers
These ones will be polluting the environment with marijuana, cigarettes, weeds.. Must it be in the neighborhood??
5-The Random Oldie
These are the grandpa's and grandma's who aren't gonna mind their business rather asking questions like do you live alone? You got parents? They kicked you out? And me i will be asking what are they doing around here where students are living their lives?
6- The Ones who gets Packages
These ones will make you wonder if you are actually living a life. You tend to imagine if they control amazon, konga, yudala?? I move on
7-The Foreign cook
Here, you walk down the hall way to scent crazy aroma from the foreigners room and you wonder what in the name is he cooking??
8-The Band
These ones are the noise makers. But common you are living in an apartment with other people, must you play out loud? You think this is college were no one minds 24/7 or your parents house that you can happen to do anyhow??...
9-The Youths
These ones, you wake up everyday to see that he or she is growing more younger by the day. Makes you wonder if your growing old by the day.
10-The Ones You Try To Avoid
These are the ones that you do not wanna cross their paths knowing that they know almost everything that hapens in your apartment from sex with your girlfriend to fighting with her and everything.
For the past years now in my apartment, i have come across the listed people in my apartment and such is apartments life✌✌.

I still remain your humble @emmahakpan.
Love y'all

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