Phill from GCHQ - page 64 - Raven Donoho

Raven Donoho - Page 64 of the cartoon about Phill from GCHQ - a free comic that I have been working on since September 2016.

Previous page: Phill from GCHQ - page 63 - The neolithic cave

(thanks to @steevc for the idea about pointing to the previous page. Remember that the comic can also be read on the its own website.

Introduction to this weeks page

You can never have enough supporting characters... right? Here's another one. Raven Donoho, who owes her surname to something as exotic as a Diaspora romance scammer. Sometimes evil persons go for some of the free networks out there... must sound familiar to anybody on Steemit.

The Wicca religion is an anachronistic religion that identify itself with the believed practitioners of witchcraft of the middle ages. Its inventor (or at least one of the leading forces) was the retired custom officer Gerald Gardner who after a returning to England from Malaysia went on a spiritual adventure including spiritism, Rosicrucianism , and nudism, and ended up with what today has become a large neo-pagan framework.

Gerald Gardner crowning Patricia Crowther Queen of the May. Source

Why Morty Mogg went to wicca gatherings and who Raven is, will be revealed in the next couple of pages.

Happy reading.


Thanks to some very dedicated and helpful people the comic about Phill from GCHQ can also be read in other languages. New pages are published on their respective Steemit pages. Please follow them and support their work!

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The comic is, like all my digital artworks, made exclusively with open source software:

The comic is licensed as

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-by)

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