The Life of a Gorgeous Sunset Over the Water (Colorful Photography Challenge)


This is my entry into the Colourful Photography Contest by @juliank

I know that entering the contest with a sunset that would probably be best entered into "goldenhour photography" but I couldn't help it. When I saw that "Colorful" was the theme for today, this sunset in particular stood out to me.

As I've said in previous boat-photo posts, seeing the sunsets over the water was one of my absolutely favorite things about the boat life. This sunset stands out from all of them. It is the first photo I think of when I think "Sunset" because it was so gorgeous from start to finish. I sat on the deck for a long time, taking tons of photos, because it seemed that every few minutes, it was an entirely new photo to see.


This was the beginning. I stepped out on the deck to see the most picture perfect, movie set looking sky. The lighting was magical and looked like something from a fairy tale.


I was sure that it couldn't possibly get better than that, but every time I turned around, it seemed like another level of magical.


I was forever astounded at how the light seemed to be set in just a perfect way to illuminate the clouds from behind, sometimes with beams of light seemingly coming from elsewhere to make the clouds have even more depth.


Then the colors appeared. Holy beans. It was crazy beautiful. I think I took a hundred photos and couldn't stop myself. I probably also have video somewhere as well.


This is literally raw footage of the sunset that evening. It was (and still is) mind boggling that this was my back yard. The weather was perfect. Jaedin ~ @knightengale and @abyni left in the midst of this for poker night at the resort in Georgetown (there were quite a few boat living humans around Georgetown, even though it was off season and they gathered for poker twice a week). Patrick @serapium and I had an amazing night just sitting and watching the sun go down. The weather was perfect, the breeze was just right and it was more peaceful than I could possibly describe.

This was one of those perfect moments.


The boat shifted as the sun settled for the night, but this was our view of that same sunset as the sun sneaked away for the night.

All Photos are Mine.

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