Bizarre Moments In India

We met this guy right after witnessing a motorcycle running over a cat in the street. The cat went flying in the air (like in a cartoon) and spun around in circles and then disappeared . I'm not even sure if he motorcyclist realized what exactly happened... he didn't even flinch.

We stood there in shock taking it all in. What a bizarre moment to witness. One minute my friends and I are walking down the streets of India after returning our scooters and the next BAM!


We looked for the cat for a second but couldn't find it. Then the guy in this picture came up to us, also in shock, asking what happened. After talking for a minute and finding out we were Americans, he took us back to his shop and proceeded to give us all kinds of goodies and incense.

He told us the whole process about how him and his family make it and it's best when it's still "wet". I'll never forget this night or this nice man who showed us so much love .

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