Spicy tuna



Tongkol / tuna (me: half use of medium size fish)
cooking oil (for sauteing)
ground spices:
5 pieces of chili criting (spicy adjust)
4 pieces of chili pepper (spicy adjust)
2 Spring onions
2 cloves garlic (me: skip, out stocks)
4 pieces of sunti (can be replaced starfruit fresh vegetables)
a bit of turmeric
a pinch of cumin (jara maneh)
a pinch of cumin (jara engkot)
chopped / complementary herbs:
1 piece of red onion
5 pieces of green chili (spicy adjust)
2 orange leaves
lengkuas (geprek)
1 temurui sprig (curry leaves)
duo salt and sugar


Roasted grilled swordfish. Set aside.
Prepare fine spices. Set aside.
Prepare complementary herbs. Slice onion, green chilli, galang geprek. set aside.
Prepare a pan for sautéing. Heat oil (5/6 tablespoons). Saute the onion until fragrant.
Enter the spices smooth, stir-fry until cooked and fragrant until spice apart with oil.
Enter the fish feed.
Enter the galangal, green chili slices, temurui leaves (curry leaves), Cook until dry. No need to add water, because fish already baked so gk need to cook too long.
Add salt and sugar to taste, stir, taste correction.
Lift and serve. Good luck moms.

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