#1 Photo Travel Blog - Roppongi Hills In Tokyo, Japan



Welcome to my 'Photo Travel Blog' here on Steemit. As I mentioned in one of my posts before I want to upload more pictures and so I came to the conclusion it would maybe be good, if I sometimes write something about my photographs, especially if I upload more then just one picture.

Back some months ago (until last summer) I tried to use as much time as possible for photography, went out sometimes nearly every day of the week to capture some moments out there. With my movement to Japan in the end of September 2017 I got quite busy with different other things and lost my photography track a bit. Recently I try to find back to photography on a regular base and so I went out last Saturday with a friend to meet in Tokyo and capture some pictures around Roppongi Hill.

The plan was to go up the Mori Tower to take some cityscape photos from the open air deck on the rooftop, which gives an amazing view over Tokyo, especially in the evening. Unfortunately they closed the open air deck when we arrived thanks to strong winds, so we changed the plan and just went around in Roppongi and around the Tokyo Towerto find some good photo spots. The one spot I searched for and which I saw at other photographers Instagram feeds I haven't found, but that is ok I think (I will go back anyways to find it...). In the following I want to share three pictures from this evening with you.


This one is a vertical panorama, build out of 6 shots. I wasn't sure if this will be even possible as my tripod just has a ball head, which is moving in all directions if I make lose the head. Still it worked and I am quite happy with the result. There are even some moving stars in the sky as this is a long-exposure.


This one I already uploaded some days before in a short Sneak Peek post. The horizontal panorama is made out of 13 shots with the camera in vertical mode. Here I realized again that my tripod is not able to carry my camera body with a battery grip and a big lens in vertical mode. Need to try it out without battery grip next, hopefully it will work better then. Anyways it still worked out in the end.


This one is a double exposure. I tried to get back some details in the bright sign in the background. In bigger solution it worked out, but in this smaller one you can't really see it. I was lucky that two big trucks or busses went through the picture at the same time on both tracks, so that I ended up with this completely symmetrical light trails. I tried to recreate it but even after 15 mins I had not one shot with the same symmetry. Would say I was quite lucky in the first try.

So that was it for today. I hope I can create some more Photo Travel Blogs in the future with different places. For now, maybe just first some places in Tokyo, as it is not that far, but also different other ones in Japan and all over the world hopefully.

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Thanks for reading this. Do you have questions about Japan, my photographs or other things? Ask me in the comments!.

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