Coffee Series #5 10 Typical Coffee Found in Malaysia

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What will you order when you in a cafe whether you are hanging out with your friends, finding a good ambient cafe and enjoy coffee with your loved one, or enjoy your me time in a cafe with a cup of your favourite coffee during the weekend?

Chances are you will order coffee that is very commonly available in the cafe.

So in previous Part #4 we talked about how to hand-pick coffee bean that is best for you and if you thought man! I'm lazy to grind myself and I just want to enjoy coffee from a cafe!

Then this post you will definitely very interest in. In this post, we will talk about the 10 typical coffee available in most of the cafe in Malaysia. Of course, there is some cafe offered more variety than what I listed below which will cover in the future post!

So what are the 10 typical coffee?

1. Espresso

Very common and almost available in every single cafe in Malaysia! Heck, even fast food chain has too! Espresso is pretty straightforward and simple, 1 shot of Espresso from Espresso machine. I don't always drink Espresso, I only drink it when I have a choice and need my coffee fix in a rush.

2. Double Espresso (Doppio)

We usually called it double shot Espresso, I seldom saw the menu in the cafe called it "Doppio" well at least for me.

3. Americano / Long Black

Americano or long black different cafe called different name, kind of weird tho. It consists of 1 shot of Espresso and hot water that's all. 90% of my coffee I drink in the cafe is Americano. Why? Because I love pure black coffee without sugar or milk. I love the bitter taste of the black coffee and sometimes I got acidity americano too!

4. Latte

I found out a lot of people cannot differentiate between latte and cappuccino! Raise hand if you are one of them! The different between latte and cappuccino is cappuccino has chocolate powder on top and has more micro-form while latte has more steamed milk.

5. Cappuccino

As mentioned above cappuccino is 1 shot of Espresso into a cup, add some steamed milk, chocolate powder on top of the coffee and microform. I think cappuccino is one of the famous choices people always ordered in the cafe, especially cold one.

6. Flat White

Another one where people get confused between a flat white and cappuccino as both of them also more steamed milk in a single shot of Espresso. I called it cappuccino's brother. Why? It is the same cappuccino but without micro-form and chocolate powder. Who on earth will think of such a name?

7. Mocha

For those who love the mixture of chocolate and coffee, this is for you! 1 shot of Espresso into a cup, add 1 spoon of chocolate powder into a cup as well, add steamed milk, pour some chocolate powder on top of the coffee like cappuccino, and mico-form like Cappucino. I called it cappuccino's eldest brother because it has more chocolate powder in a cup.

8. Macchiato

Macchiato is a shot of Espresso but with a dollop of steamed milk and foam to mellow the harsh taste of an Espresso. I used to love macchiato before I found my love in Americano and Espresso. Once I tried Espresso or Americano I love the pure bitter taste and I found out I don't really enjoy the form of my coffee. That why you notice I didn't comment much on a latte, flat white, and cappuccino.

9. Piccolo Latte

A piccolo latte is similar to a latte but in a smaller cup also known as a latte in an Espresso cup. The reason being that is piccolo latte has less steamed milk compared to latte and it has stronger coffee taste than a latte.

10. Affogato

Have you ever think of having Espresso as dessert? I'm not talking about coffee flavour ice cream. Affogato is a single or double shot of Espresso with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on it. It really nice! Imagine a hot Espresso plus a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on it and you take one scoop and put into your mouth, feel the taste, feel the cooling of the vanilla ice cream with Espresso on it! So yummy and it melts in your mouth! One of my favourite as well!

Which One is Your Favourite Coffee & Why?

Coffee Series:
Coffee Series #1 Are You A Coffee Lover?
Coffee Series #2 Why Your Coffee is Bitter & How to Fix It
Coffee Series #3 How to Know Your Coffee Is Over or Under Extraction?
Coffee Series #4 3 Ways to Hand-Pick The Right Coffee Beans For You

Note: All photos are taken from unless stated otherwise
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